
Miss Sassy Pants, part 8,341

August 3, 2009

No joke – this stuff came out of Mallory’s mouth this weekend:

Trying to get Rick’s attention – and Rick wasn’t responding. Mallory said “do you hear my voice?”
And then when he still wasn’t responding, I told Mallory to tell dad that she was going to count to three. So Mallory said “Hey Dad – I’m going to count to three. One…two…GO!!!”, while she was pointing. Can you tell we always try some other motivation with Mallory before we actually get to three?
Friday night I asked Mallory to grab me a beer, which she did. Then Rick asked her …

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RB and SCT

July 31, 2009

Yesterday was our four-year anniversary. I have a post started up of my life and how we met, etc but this week hasn’t been the most calm so I don’t have it done yet.
But in honor of our anniversary, Rick is off playing hockey and left me at home with two not happy kids. I had to hold Carson until he fell asleep. And Mallory was screaming bloody murder for like an HOUR – she started to yell that she had to go potty so I decided I’d free her from her room but all she proceeded to do was …

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There is nothing funnier

July 25, 2009

There is nothing funnier than a 2.5 year old throwing your sayings back at you.
For instance – today Mallory told me “dat’s (that’s) right, sister” as a yes answer to something I asked her. And when I asked for clarification “Did you just say “that’s right, sister?”, she said “yes…dat’s hyterical (hysterical)”.
An hour later I asked what she wanted for lunch. She told me “I will have grilled cheese and you will have grilled cheese and I will have grilled cheese…sound good?”


What did you just did today?

July 22, 2009

So much to post, so little time. My friend Kim & I are starting a website with things to do around Ann Arbor with your kids. That should be at the top of my priority list but I have some other things to cross of my to-do list first (sorry Kim!).
Anyways, here we go.
We had a wonderful weekend in Wisconsin & Chicago. As I mentioned before, the ride west wasn’t so fun. Chicago traffic is THE WORST and Carson is not a big fan of the stop & go. He screamed bloody murder for most of the ride through Chicago. …

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Catching Up

July 19, 2009

Way behind because I’ve been working on some other projects. One being photography :-) This week I was lucky to be able to take pictures of two friends and their families.
On Sunday I took pictures of my friend Lissa and her husband and their 2-yr old son. Lissa is 37-ish weeks pregnant with another boy and wanted to get some pictures of her family before they became four!
Last night I took family pictures for our friends Doug & Sue. Sue wanted some pictures of her kids and it grew into some family photos of everyone.
These are in addition to pictures …

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Is it?

July 14, 2009

Funny Mallory-ism from this week:
She picked up her toy blackberry and says “Hi Grampa. How is your bacation (vacation)? Is it good? Is it? Ok, bye”


Hey Tough Guy

July 13, 2009

Sweet baby Mallory took a trio of spills this weekend.
The first tumble happened at daycare Friday afternoon– and we witnessed the whole thing. We were standing at the gate waiting for Mallory to see us…well, she noticed us and got so excited that she took a step off the play equipment (about 2’ off the ground) and fell flat on her face in the sand. Thank GOD it was sand and not a hard[er] surface. Rick & I didn’t move, either because we were unfazed by her fall (99% of the time if she falls – she gets right up …

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Cherry-Oh Baby

July 12, 2009

It took Mallory a while because we had to teach her how to eat around the pit in the middle, but she finally figured out how to eat cherries. Luckily cherries are a summer food so we can strip her down and have her eat them outside – cherries are messy when you eat them Zulu-style.
The best part of watching Mallory eat a cherry is that she takes all these little bites around the pit, and then when all she has left is the pit, she puts it in her mouth so she can spit it out into the bowl …

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Fireworks Fotos

July 11, 2009

Mallory LOVED the fireworks. Holy COW. She was so excited about them all day and couldn’t wait for the sun to go to bed so they would start. She gave us all a running commentary on the colors of each of the fireworks. Quite a contrast to the past two years when she fell asleep during the show! This year was Carson’s turn to sleep during the fireworks and he didn’t move a muscle during any of the booms.
Once again our little lake didn’t disappoint with the show. But every year we think the show is over and we …

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