I’m sure you all have been wondering where I’ve been and why no posts (probably thinking my post notification email system was on the fritz again).
Well, have no fear – a new post to the blog is here!
This week has been very unusual and the combination has really cut into my evening time to myself (when I do my best blogging).
Carson’s sleep issues continued (however last night was *almost* normal). I ended up taking him to the doctor on Monday and turns out he has an irritant rash on his back and some eczema on his elbows. I was instructed …
Category: Mallory
4th of July Weekend
I was pretty excited for the 4th of July weekend – since it is the only holiday that Rick doesn’t have to work. I guess he doesn’t have to work Thanksgiving weekend but that holiday always has family & travel stuff associated with it. The good thing about 4th of July is that we can just hang out at home and enjoy the lake.
We boated up the chain with my folks on Friday. The weather wasn’t great – it was grey and sort of chilly. Mallory kept saying she wanted to go swimming but it was way too cold.
Saturday we …
Help me decide
In my efforts to save money and not spend it on professional photography, we took family photos in the backyard with my remote timer – bonus points if you can see the remote in my hand in any of the pictures.
Anyway, we need help deciding which is the best. Please vote below.
[poll id="5"]
Artwork, by Mallory
Mallory does lots of artwork at school but she did this at home and her accompanying descriptions were too funny to not share.
Corn on the Cob
Time is a-flyin'
How on God’s green earth is my little boy three months old already? How is it already July? How have I not yet seen my first firefly of the summer?
This week has flown by, as they have been known to do lately. Both kids are good – I’ll entertain you with some Mallory gems first:
I was helping her get dressed the other night and pulled her jammies up over her belly, maternity-pant-style. She pulled them down and told me not to do that because she doesn’t have a baby in her tummy.
I like to try to have us talk about …
Fun Family Weekend!
I think this past weekend was the first time since early February that Rick didn’t have to go into work at all – and we took full advantage of it. We had invitations to stuff for both Friday & Saturday nights but we waived them both off in favor of hanging around the house.
That was a good decision for us on Friday night…seeing as how Mallory ended up in full meltdown mode at about 6p. We planned to have dinner on the boat and wanted Mallory to go potty before we headed out. She is a pretty regular evening …
More Mallory
Check out this picture Rick sent me yesterday (he was home with the kids because the power was out at daycare due to the storms). The subject of the email was “she’s pumping…”
It’s hard to see, but she has two plastic bottles held up to her chest. I asked her about it this morning and she told me a long story of the nilk (milk) going down into a box and then daddy took the top off and then she did dis (as she moved back & forth) and then she told me she fed her brother.
* * *
These …
Seeing as how addicted I am to Photoshop these days, I really need to throw in the towel on old-fashioned scrapbooking and just start doing it all digitally. I mean, I already sort of do that by keeping this blog, right?
But I just found these new storyboard templates for Photoshop so now you will be inundated with these too.
My Little Lands End Model
I think Mallory could be a model for this Lands End Kids bathing suit – how cute is she?
And here are some pictures that show off our new paver patio…the first is Mallory trying to comfort Carson (“it’s OK, Buddy”), and the second picture is the pumpkinhead’s tiny footprint!
It’s been like a million degrees here this week so I got Mallory a new little plastic pool today. It is perfect for our new patio area ~ Mallory & I hung out today with our toes in the water and ate cherries while Carson snoozed inside.
I had a bunch of …