Carson, Mallory, stb

I am surviving!

May 29, 2009

I am surviving my week of single-parent-ness. Barely, but I am surviving.
Our schedule for the beginning of the week was bath for Mallory as soon as we get home, then dinner, and then book & bed time and I was able to have her in bed by 6.45p with lights out for me by 9p. Thus I was able to function fairly well Wednesday & Thursday. Carson woke up only once per night those nights and went back to bed easily (I should raise his allowance!).
Thursday night we went to my dad’s to watch the Michigan softball game that started …

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The Fancy Fisherman

May 26, 2009

My sweet darling little girl in a pretty pink dress wanted to go fishing with her dad. 

We told her she needed to put on shoes to go fishing. Here is what she picked out:

The funny thing is that when I sent her to her room to get shoes, I KNEW she was going to grab these shoes…I had just put them in her shoe bin after keeping them high on a shelf for a special occasion. But let’s be real here – where in the world can a little pumpkin wear fancy white shoes if not …

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Carson, Mallory

Catching Up

May 24, 2009

I have a feeling that there will be lots of posts with the title “Catching Up” in the future.
Anyway, here are the pictures from our boat trip this week:

* * *
I’m going to do these in bullet format to get them documented:

Mallory & I were eating breakfast yesterday – when Rick & Carson came downstairs, Mallory said “here come da boys!!!”

We’ve been getting lots of great gifts for Carson; Mallory has started to imitate me when we are checking out the clothes. She’ll hold stuff up and say “Dis is SUPER CUTE!” or “How cute is dis?” or …

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Carson, Mallory, rb, stb


May 22, 2009

So, I’ve determined that I can’t eat chocolate and I can’t have caffeine. Both cause my sweet little baby’s tummy to get very grumpy and that isn’t so fun for mom & dad.  Luckily I can survive without caffeine (just need to make sure I have caffeine-free coke on hand) but the no chocolate thing has been sort of hard. And you know I’m making sure Rick knows all about my dietary sacrifices for his son. His response? “Oooooh, so I can finish off those Oreos?”. I performed (and failed) a caffeine test yesterday and Carson was horrible all afternoon …

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There’s your hug

May 21, 2009

Mallory gave me a hug this morning.
After she pulled away, she put her hands on my shoulders and patted me a few times and said “There’s your hug!”, like it was a to-go hug to get me through the day.


Boat time

May 20, 2009

We had our second boat trip of the year tonight and we ventured across the lake to get pizza.
Mallory was great with letting us put her “boat coat” on and then went to point out EVERY.SINGLE.BOAT on the lake. We saw sailboats (last summer she called them “bow boats”) and a kayak and jet skis.
I had the camera but Mallory isn’t so photogenic with a sippy cup in her mouth and lake-effect wind blowing her locks all over the place. And Carson slept the whole time.
That’s all I have tonight; I’m writing from my iPhone and it’s too hard to …

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May 19, 2009

On Sunday night, Mallory asked if she could play before bed. She wanted to “pway for ONE WHILE”.
Then on Monday night, Mallory asked if she could play before bed. She wanted to “pway for ONE SECOND”.


From the mouth of Mallory – May 17, 2009

May 17, 2009

We were sitting on the patio yesterday at Gigi’s house. Mals pulled her chair to be close to where Gigi was weeding, but then she pulled the chair closer to me and said “let’s talk about football”. LMAO.
Another funny from yesterday: riding in the car, Mallory puts her bear blankie over her head to play peek-a-boo with me. Then she covers her head again and says “Tell Carson where Mallory is!” which translated means “Ask Carson ‘where is Mallory?’”.
* * *
I started back to work on Friday and it didn’t suck too much. Seems like people were happy to see …

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Carson, Mallory, video

See dis M?

May 14, 2009

I realized the other day that I hadn’t gotten much video of Mallory lately and I had to rectify that. I don’t want to forget her little lisp and her raspy voice.
Anywho, here are Mallory & Carson pre-bath time last night. In the very beginning you hear Mallory say “…be quiet a second” – I didn’t start recording fast enough to get her saying “HEY WICK” before the “be quiet a second”. Rick was in the kitchen doing the dishes and I wanted him to be quiet while I videoed (is that really a word?) the kids…so  I hollered out …

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