Carson, Mallory, video

Mallory & Carson ~ May 12, 2009

May 13, 2009

I’ve said it before & I’ll say it again – for as ornery and grumpy as Mallory is with us for bringing home a baby, she is in love with her baby brother.

After her failed attempt to pick Carson up in the video above, Mallory wanted to hold him on her lap:

And here is a close-up of her making she she is holding his head:

And here she is burping him. What you can’t see is the burp rag across her chest/under her arms…


I wanna have spinach!

May 13, 2009

Monday night.
Softball Banquet.
I’m invited.
Mallory isn’t.
Tell Mallory she is going to Miss Cheri’s because mom & dad are going to dinner.
Here is the conversation:

STB: Mom & dad are going to dinner – you get to play with big Mallory & Bryce!
MCB: I wanna go to the ressaurant!
STB: No, mom & dad are going on a date.
MCB: I wanna go on a date!
STB: We’re just going to eat spinach
MCB: I wanna have spinach!
STB: Well, really we’re just going to have corn (figured this would work because she told us the night before that she doesn’t like corn)
MCB: I wanna have …

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How about?

May 13, 2009

Funny conversation with Mallory yesterday. We were out in the backyard – I was sitting in a chair feeding Carson, and she wanted me to push her on the swing. I told her to lay on the swing on her belly and swing that way. Cha-CHING! Go MOM! She did that for about 10 minutes!! Anyway, I really wanted my cup of water and wanted Mallory to retrieve it for me from the table by the house. I kept asking her to get it for me and she kept saying “jussa minute”. Finally, after she told me to watch her …

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My Mother’s Day present

May 10, 2009

I got a fancy double jogging stroller from Rick & Mallory & Carson & Cooper for my Mother’s Day present but Rick will be happy to know that my favorite gift was the free one I got…Carson’s first smile!!! Now I am acting like a crazy lady trying to get him to do it more and more :-)


912 days old!

May 7, 2009

Wednesday was Mallory’s 912-day birthday. Also known as 2.5 years or 30 months. Good grief time has FLOWN. I look at her and think back to when she was a little pumpkin barely crawling. Or when she called Cooper “buh-buh”. I love to go back through the blog archives to remember what life was like before Mallory wasn’t talking CONSTANTLY. It’s hard to believe that she was so funny before she even talked for real. Remember this gem (from February 2007…~ 3 mos old) or this one (February 2008 ~ 15 mos old)? And I look at Carson and get …

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From the mouth of Mallory

May 6, 2009

On Saturday: “I’d like to go swimming. It is warm enough.”
But really it was like mid-60s and windy, so not only was the air not warm, the lake was still freezing.
* * *
This morning, while cuddling in bed with mom & dad:

me: “I love you, Mallory!”
MCB: “I love DADDY!”
me: “Wha???”
MCB: “And I love COOPER! and CARSON! and ALLI!”
me: “What? What about me?”
MCB: “Brush your teeth.”


Monday May 4 Miscellany

May 4, 2009

Here are a collection of photos and stories from the weekend:
No idea:
* * *
I guess I decided to do my nesting/cleaning on Saturday (about 4+ weeks late?) and cleaned the fridge. Mallory just HAD to help me (I wasn’t planning on cleaning out the door because those shelves didn’t need it but she took care of that whole task for me. She had to ask what each item was when she pulled it out of the fridge and before she put it away.) Notice the bottle of champagne – that is from our honeymoon back in January …

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The Paci-free Bedtime Diary

May 4, 2009

Well, Dammit Jim.
Mallory’s impending move to the preschool room at daycare means that they are making her nap without her pacifier at school. They say she’s doing well without it at school so Princess Not-So-Bright (again, that’s me) thought we should try to drop it at home since she only uses it for bedtime & naptime.
I figured last Thursday night was a good night to start this. You know, the Thursday that was four weeks after Carson was born. Also, the Thursday that was three days after Mallory was diagnosed with a sinus infection.
Well, the first night was rough. It …

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I’d like…

May 1, 2009

No, this isn’t a post about what I’d like to do, which could include (in no particular order) drinking a couple of Ultimate Margaritas at Fridays, or getting a nice massage, or running away to a deserted island (as long as my iPhone still worked), etc.
This is a post about Mallory & her manners.
Whenever she wants something, she says “I’d like…” before it. So if she wants to mooch some of my granola bar, it isn’t “give me some of that, mom”, it’s either “I’d like some of that granola bar” or “I’d like to share that with …

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April 29, 2009

Tuesday, April 28 was a 100% big-girl underpants day for Mallory! She woke up in a dry diaper, and wore big girl underpants all day at school and then didn’t have any accidents when we got home from school (usually this is where the day falls apart, because I am too busy to remind her to go potty). And she woke up with a dry diaper again this morning.
Now we just have to work on her going poop on the potty.