Carson, Mallory

Funniest Kid Ever

April 29, 2009

Mallory, Mallory, Mallory.
While she can make me want to run screaming to the loony bin sometimes (or at least to the grocery store at 8p last night just to get some peace from two crying kids…don’t worry, Rick was home), other times she can be unbelievably hysterical.
Like this morning.
Rick was in the shower and the other three of us (Mal, Carson & I) were still in bed. Carson was starting to fuss so I told Mallory I needed to feed him but then I checked his diaper and realized he needed changed but figured I’d feed …

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Carson, Mallory

Mommy’s Helper

April 26, 2009

Mallory gave Carson a bottle this morning (Carson & Rick slept in and I had just pumped when they woke up…). Mals thought she was a pretty cool big sister feeding her little brother!

Mallory, Pictures

A day in the life – Mallory-style

April 25, 2009

I have to share some pictures. I was cracking up when I checked out the snapshots from today.
Getting ready to go for the first boat ride of the season:
Slalom skiing on the Wii after going to a baby shower with mom:  
What happens at 5p when she doesn’t get her noon nap (because she went to a baby shower with mom):

cousins, Mallory

I’m feeling hot-hot-hot

April 24, 2009

It was HOT today. I must be getting old because I couldn’t stand to be out in the heat and sun for more than a few minutes.
Emily brought her kids out today to visit – she wanted her dog to go swimming. Well, her dog had NO interest in swimming (talk about a defective Labrador) but all the kids got wet. I thought I was so cool getting a picture of all of the cousins and then I remembered that one of my kids wasn’t in the picture. Oops.

My kid is CRAZY – this water was …

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Oh Man

April 24, 2009

Mallory says “OH MAN GOALIE!!!” whenever a goalie makes a good save.
I can’t stand it.

Carson, Mallory


April 24, 2009

Argh – I am so bummed that I haven’t had time to post lately because I’m sure I’m missing out on recording some funny moments. But here are some I do remember:
*Last Friday I had time to hang out with Mallory at school when I picked her up; Carson was asleep so I got to sit in on song time and snack time and playground time. I think/hope Mallory got a kick out of showing me what she does at school. She seemed pretty fired up that she had her mommy’s lap to sit on during song time and kept …

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Mallory, Pictures

She is too much

April 21, 2009

Wearing Rick’s sunglasses

She came home from school on Monday with this ringlet hanging in the middle of her forehead. Not sure if one of the teacher’s made it that way or if it just ended up that way but I couldn’t resist snapping a picture!

Carson, Mallory

Weekly Update – April 21

April 21, 2009

So now I’ve gone a whole week without a real post and I don’t get any grief from anyone? Hmmm…should I push it another week?
Ok, I won’t. Here is what we’ve been up to:
* * *
My college roommate came with her two kids to visit me and my kids last Thursday. We usually try to get together at least every six months or so for dinner or whatever but obviously things have gotten hectic for both of us. I think it has been two years since I last saw her! Mallory was shy to begin with and wasn’t so …

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Power has shifted

April 14, 2009

Something terrible happened in our house this weekend. All power that Rick & I had over Mallory & her temper tantrums is GONE.
Up until Sunday, we were able to use a baby gate (or the threat of a baby gate) to keep Mallory in her room during a temper tantrum. I know some people just turn the door handles around on the kid’s door and lock the kid in the room but I personally liked being able to still see & hear her during the tantrums, to make sure she wasn’t hurting herself or destroying her room (correction, I …

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