Mallory continues to have this unbelievably stubborn streak. If you want to get her dressed and are already on the floor ready to do it, she wants to do it “riiiiight….HERE” and it’s ALWAYS just out of reach of where Rick or I happen to already be. Same with fixing her hair, or brushing her teeth, or putting her shoes on. My new trick is to tell her I don’t think she can put her own pants/shirts/socks/shoes on and BAM – she’ll do it herself. Let’s hope that works for a while. ;-)
She is also really really bossy. When we …
Category: Mallory
40w3d Baby Arlo Update
Still pregnant.
READERS DIGEST VERSION: Had my weekly appointment this morning. Fluid levels are great again, baby was a little sluggish and sleepy so they had to use this taser thingy on my belly to wake it up for the monitors. Then the baby jumped and they got the readings they needed to see and I was allowed to leave. Dr B is happy with how I am progressing and has me scheduled for an induction Sunday night (we’ll go in ~6p). Because I am so far along already, it’s expected that my labor will be way faster than it was …
It’s right here!
Just tucked Mallory into bed (yes, it was 6.30p, but she failed to have that nap today, remember?).
Anyway, just tucked her in and I asked “Hey! Where’s my goodnight kiss & hug?”
Princess Smart Aleck unplugged her pacifier and said “It’s RIGHT HERE!” and puckered up.
She sure knows how to make me forget about our afternoon (at least the part of our afternoon where she screamed for 25 minutes because of who-knows-what – probably a combo of no nap and refusing lunch).
Hey Guys!
Mallory has been saying “guys” for a while but it is really starting to increase. She’ll say “hey you guys” in reference to Rick & me, and she’ll grab two of her baby dolls and say “these guys are poopy, they need diapers” and then she’ll say “these guys need powder on their tushies” and she’ll say “you guys wanna go outside wiv me?” (while talking to her babies). And a million other times she says “guys” during the day and it just sounds so freaking funny!
Today when we walked in the door, she headed straight upstairs to (supposedly) take …
Mom & Mallory Photo Shoot
Rick took some pictures of Mallory & me this weekend…here are my favorites of the 105 we took! I think I’m going to get the bottom two blown up for my bedroom. And I love the top right one too. And the top left one where she is trying to button my shirt up.
More funnies
Mallory went poop in her diaper. I told her to tell Rick about her poopy diaper. She took a few steps towards the kitchen (where Rick was) and turned around and said “I went poopy, Daddy. See?”
* * *
Cooper was hanging out near us and Mallory said “ARGH!”.
I asked what she was yelling about and she said “Argh. Cooper is bugging me”.
No idea where she’s learned that.
Park it, Mommy
Need to get these down before I forget them.
Someone (probably me?) has said “Park it, sister” at least once to Mallory when we want her to get on the floor so we can change her diaper. Now, when she grabs a diaper from the drawer, she’ll tell me “Park it, mommy”.
Someone (again, probably me?) has said “Oh man!” at least once to Mallory whenever she takes a big bite of food. Now, when she takes a big bite she says “Say ‘Oh man’ at me, mommy!”.
This leads me to my next story…she confuses her prepositions all the …
39 weeks. Still pregnant.
Well, here is the Triage story from Thursday night.
I’d noticed that my stomach was super tight most of the day on Thursday. It felt like I had been sucking in my stomach all day and it was just tired. And when I was up and walking around, it felt like I had 100 lbs of weight hanging from the front of my belly. So at 10.30p at night, I decided to call Triage and see what they had to say.
They guessed all was well but I think the combination of being 39w and me being almost 39 years …
Spring is Springing in Michigan
Spotted outside my house today:
38w3d Appointment
Had my 38w appointment this morning. Ended up just being the non-stress-test seeing as how my doctor is in Scotland. Luckily I am OK with the other docs in her group so it’s OK if I go into labor before she gets back this weekend. But I did find the most adorable onesie that I will get if this baby is a girl and is born after March 20 so after this Friday works for me.
Anyway, back to the appointment. All was well with baby Arlo. My sister was able to come up during my appointment to say hi …