Mallory, video

Well, hellooooooooooo

March 16, 2009

I think I told you about how Mallory has been imitating my doctor’s greeting from last week. I got her on video this morning (yes, she is sitting on the toilet).


A bad day v a good day

March 16, 2009

We had two days on the complete opposite ends of the spectrum this weekend. Let’s start with the bad day.
Saturday – Rick had to work so it was just Mallory & me all day. We had a decent morning even though I was tired. But then she refused to nap and that set the tone for the rest of the day – she was whiney and angry about everything. We had plans to go to the Michigan hockey game Saturday night but when she didn’t go down for a nap until 4p, and woke up 30 minutes later in …

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Fun with Photoshop – what do you think?

March 14, 2009

Ok, so at the expense of my daughter running around in a diaper all day with no constructive play (and me trying to get her to nap for two hours), I had some fun playing with pictures today. I thought her hair was extra cute & curly today so we had a mini-photo shoot in the living room.
Here are the before and afters:


Cropped & Auto adjust levels

Action “Lovely & Ethereal”

Action “Soft & Faded”

Action “Black & White”

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Mallory, video

Mallory’s New Song

March 13, 2009

Ok, so Mallory gets a big kick out of sleeping in my spot (this started when I let her fall asleep in our bed when Rick was out of town a few weeks ago). Anyway, she made up a little ditty about this – however in this version she has substituted “mommy’s spot” with “my spot”.


Adventures in potty-training – March 11 update

March 12, 2009

Mallory wore the same diaper ALL DAY LONG on Wednesday. This included a potty visit upon wake-up, four potty visits during the day at school, a potty visit at the dinner restaurant and then the cherry on top? POOP IN THE POTTY BEFORE BED!!!
Be glad I didn’t get a chance to grab the camera before Mallory flushed the toilet. :-)
She is in a training pant today at school. We’ll see what happens. Stay tuned. I’m sure you’ll be on the edge of your seat waiting for my update.

Baby Arlo, Mallory, Pregnancy

37+ week update and Miserable Mallory

March 11, 2009

Well, two days of pre-baby maternity leave down and not much relaxing yet.
I had my weekly NST and OB appointment on Monday and I took Mallory with me. Mallory was too cute telling everyone about Baby Arlo in my tummy and alternating between telling everyone it was a boy or a girl. We got to see Arlo on the ultrasound screen but I don’t know if Mallory really understood what we were looking at. Baby is still head down (good) and was SUPER active (good for the doctors, not good for my uterus) so we got to skip the …

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From the mouth of babes

March 9, 2009

Overheard this weekend:

Mallory & I bought a box of Girl Scout Cookies from some scouts at Lowe’s this weekend. After we got in the car, Mallory says “We got some cookies! HOO-RAY!!!!!” and made this funny face and gesture with her hands.
Then we made a trip through the McDonald’s drive-thru. Mallory says “my french fries” and I said “no, MY french fries”. Totally serious she asks back “will you share?”.
We never made it to the Wings-Blue Jackets game on Saturday. We drove all the way downtown, telling Mallory how we were going to take the train (aka People …

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A few random pictures

March 8, 2009

Background: Rick sometimes sleeps with his leg crossed over this other knee. This is an issue in the winter time because it creates this huge drafty-cave thing under our covers. Plus, his legs will sometimes start to fall to one side and it jerks him (and me) awake.
So, when Rick checked on Mallory the other night, and saw her sleeping this way, he couldn’t wait to take pictures and show me.
* * *
I posted the other day about Mallory getting into all of her barrettes. Apparently she still had some left to unpack. She grabbed that …

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Baby Arlo, hockey, Mallory, Pregnancy, rb

That was FAST!

March 7, 2009

Holy cow this week went FAST! All of a sudden it’s Saturday morning and I’m 37+ weeks prego.
Here’s the recap.

You all know about my doctor’s appointment Monday – but the newer news related to that is:

my insurance won’t extend my physical therapy benefit for another month to allow me to see my physical therapist for my pregnancy-related back pain. I’m not sure I really understand how if pregnancy lasts MORE than 60 days, can they restrict the coverage to 60 calendar days of treatment. Additionally, I am allowed either 15 or 30 actual sessions during that 60 days, …

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coops, Mallory

Four Little Fingers

March 4, 2009

And that is how old Super Cooper Duper Coops is! Mallory was excited to sing Happy Birthday to Cooper and give him fancy peanut butter treats.