
No juice for you

March 4, 2009

Mallory & I were heading downstairs for our morning juice today and she yelled at Cooper:
“You can’t have any (juice), Cooper! You don’t have hands! You aren’t big, you are a dog!”
(We talk about her having juice because she’s a big girl, so I’m guessing that’s where she gets the “you aren’t big” part being a requirement for Cooper to be allowed to have juice).



March 1, 2009

Mallory found my credit card today and wanted to play with it; I told her to be careful (ie DON’T LOSE IT) and she assured me she would be careful. Off she went.
This is how I next saw her, and her accompanying dialogue was this: “I bought some stuff, mommy. I get bip-bops (flip-flops) and cwocs (crocs).” Notice she is carrying a flip-flop and a croc.

* * *
It was pretty cold here today but the sun was shining and the ground was frozen so Mallory & I bundled up and headed outside with Cooper. I picked up …

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Mischief, Girl-Style

March 1, 2009

Here is an example of why I am glad to have a girl.
Mallory was quiet for about 15 minutes all by herself in the bathroom with the door shut. I could hear her talking to herself and there was no crashing or anything so I just let her be.
When I finally checked on her, she was standing on her stool inside the linen closet. I got nervous because there are some things she shouldn’t get into within her reach if she is using a stool (note to irresponsible parent: get moving on the toddler-proofing). Once I squeezed my …

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Practicing “Happy Birthday”

February 28, 2009

Mallory has been obsessed with singing Happy Birthday ever since we had Grandpa and Shane’s birthdays right in a row earlier this month. Last week at Alli’s house she somehow learned that it was just Alli’s mom’s birthday so it’s been “sing ‘happy birt-day to Al-son’s mommy’, mommy”. This week it was one of her daycare friend’s birthday so for the past two days, we’ve been singing “happy birt-day to Meggie”.
This morning I told her that Baby Arlo would probably have the next birthday, so she wanted to sing Happy Birthday to Baby Arlo.
Then she lifted up my …

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Baby Arlo, Mallory, Pregnancy, rb

Four more weeks

February 27, 2009

I am 36 weeks pregnant today. That means I am nine months pregnant. But I still have four more weeks (one more month) left. So in case you hadn’t heard, pregnancy is TEN MONTHS, not nine.
It’s getting weird to be getting to close to the end. In some ways I feel like we are less prepared for this baby to come than we were with Mallory. Sure I have some clothes in the dresser and have a package of newborn diapers ready to go, but other than that – nothin’. I don’t have my bag packed, still no set …

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Let me see your teeth

February 27, 2009

I rarely chew gum. But I was chewing gum on Thursday when I picked Mallory up from school.
As I got her settled into her carseat, she demanded “LET ME SEE YOUR TEETH!” so I gave her a big grin.
Then she demanded “OPEN YOUR MOUTH!” so I tucked the gum up in my cheek and opened wide.
And then I realized that she wasn’t going to give up until I showed her my gum.
So I said “did you see my gum?” and then I showed it to her in my teeth.
That little stinker responded “You dum?”. I …

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Baby Arlo, Mallory, video

A present for Baby Arlo

February 26, 2009

This conversation is a redo of one we had just moments earlier (I really need to just run a video camera all of the time). So although it seems as though I am prompting Mallory to answer, she actually said all of these things by herself the first time.

Here is the transcript of Mallory’s contribution to this conversation:
“Baby Arlo have my jammies and go night-nights in Baby Arlo’s crib”
“And I have present for you, your bear (it’s actually the puppy blankie I showed you a few weeks back) and my bear. OK? Ok.”
“You come out and have your present, OK? …

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Mallory, Pregnancy

Funny email from a friend

February 26, 2009

A friend asked me today via email how I was feeling.
Part of my response included: “…and then I am also feeling unbelievably emotional about having another kid. Mallory is such a fabulous little girl and I’m so afraid about screwing her up by having a baby…”
My friend wrote back: “Relax, it will all be fine. Take a deep breath and eat some chocolate. You guys will be great. Look how great Mallory is, well except for the Fancy Nancy fetish.”


Semi-wordless Wednesday

February 25, 2009

Here is Mallory passed out Monday night. Tuesday night I asked her if she wanted me to come up with her to tuck her in and she informed me that she would tuck herself in. Stinker!
She LOVES to put on my wedding & engagement rings. The other morning she told me she wanted her own rings like mine. I think Rick wasn’t excited when I told him that.     

I love how she is giving me that “what in the WORLD are you doing??” look (as I was giving her lots of smooches after school)! …

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Potty Training Status

February 25, 2009

Mallory went “peepee on the potty” three times today! First thing in the morning for me at home (after waking up with a totally dry diaper) and then two times at school.
Slow progress but progress nonetheless.