“Oh, OK!” (…in response to a request such as “can you put your juice there” or something)
“Tell me ‘OH MAN!’” (usually when she’s taken a big bite of food; then she sometimes tells me to take a bite and then tells me “OH MAN!”)
Category: Mallory
That was easy!
With Rick out of town, I am full time mom & dad & breakfast/lunch/dinner-maker & daycare dropper-offer & daycare picker-upper & the “parent” in the pool for Mallory’s Parent-Tot swim class & the put-to-bedder at night & & &. I think you get the picture.
This is exhausting when I’m not 35+ weeks pregnant, so it’s killing me right now. Mallory was pretty good over the weekend but today was fabulous, and it makes having to wear all of those hats a little easier.
Here is how our day went:
I got up and showered. Then I woke Mallory up and …
Smart Aleck
I have to admit – “smart aleck” is the PG version of what I really thought when this happened today.
Mallory & I went to my dad’s for dinner and to watch the Michigan basketball game. I had to run to my sister’s to get something and when I got back, the door to my dad’s was locked. Mallory was on the inside of the door and through the window right next to the door, she could see me standing there with my hands full (including holding my keys in my hand).
My dad yelled “It’s OPEN!” so Mallory yelled …
Mallory In Charge
I wasn’t sure how to title this post, but here she is telling me & Cooper how it is.
* * *
I thought we’d step up the potty-training this weekend since we were going to be around the house most of the time. So I put Mallory in her new big girl underpants twice (with rubber pants over them) and two times she failed miserably. :-(
The second time she came out of her playroom and I quick got her on the toilet to empty out a rubber pant full of #1 and #2. Got her cleaned up and then she …
Saturday in Pictures
Not much to report. Rick is on a trip with softball so Mallory & I are flying solo.
My dad stopped by Saturday morning so of course we had to find some stuff for him to fix.
We started with the bathtub drain thing in Mallory’s bathroom and Mallory helped him out.
And then we had a fun day of playing while watching the snow fly.
And then Mallory went to bed; she told me she was going to go to sleep in “my spot” on the bed. What a stinker!
(Can you tell I’m having fun playing with my new-ish Adobe Photoshop?)
I need to …
Heard this morning in my car on the way to school
I am on drop-off duty for the next week. This morning on the way to school, this is what I heard coming from the back seat of my car:
“Is dark out. I see you, Moon!! Hi Moon! You silly!!! I see you!”
“You sit wight there, daddy sit wight there, Wyan sit wight there, I sit wight here”. me: Where are we going?? “Flor-did-da!”
I pway with Daddy…I go night-night
Funny story from Tuesday (not sure why I always tell you “…a funny story…” since most things I share here could start with that beginning…but whatever).
Anyway, while eating dinner on Tuesday, we gave Mallory the schedule for the rest of the night (I’d read that it’s good to let her know what to expect). So we said we were going to finish eating, and then take a bath, and then she could play with dad, and then it was night-night time.
Well, bath took a little longer than normal so we got her in her jammies and Rick read …
"I sorry"
We try really hard to work on Mallory’s manners. She is pretty good with please, thank you, and you’re yelcome (welcome) but the one we are having a little trouble with is “I’m sorry”.
She tends to hit us when she is really frustrated (usually it’s frustration + being exhausted) and our rule is that we immediately stop whatever we are doing, remove her from the situation if necessary, and she has to say she’s sorry, and tell us what she did to require her to say she’s sorry. Sometimes she is pretty quick to say “I sorry” and will point …
Let’s Go Blue – HOORAY!
Here is the promised video (notice the fancy eyeblack she is sporting):
Just some photos
I have video that goes with this hysterical picture but am having trouble getting it uploaded so this picture will have to suffice for now:
The other night we let Mallory fall asleep in our bed – we came upstairs 45 minutes later and found her curled up with my “Your Pregnancy, week by week” book.
Mallory got some fun valentines from her friends at school this week and one of them came with a big Tinkerbell sticker. This is what happens when I don’t pay attention to her for a few minutes.