Since both Rick & I were home with nothing to do but watch football on January 1, we thought we’d try to start really potty training Mallory.
After breakfast, I put her in training underpants and a vinyl diaper cover. I told her to let us know when she had to go potty. We decided that we’d put her on the toilet every 30 minutes regardless of whether she told us she had to go or not. 20 minutes in, I hear her in distress and find her in the kitchen with pee running down her leg (WTH are those …
Category: Mallory
Trip update – January 21
Only a few more days left of our trip. Today is the last day of classes for me, I have all day tomorrow off and then we head home on Saturday.
I had the entire afternoon of yesterday, and got myself a fancy pedicure to start the afternoon off. As I was paying for the pedicure, I noticed that the spa offers a prenatal massage…wonder if I can talk Rick into letting me get one of those tomorrow?
It was a little chilly here yesterday and after a failed attempt to get Mallory to take a nap, we headed to …
More things you hear in a house with a potty-training two-year-old
Mallory always wants to help me when I go to the bathroom (a whole post will be coming on our adventures in potty training and potty fweats) but today was too much.
As I was getting ready to wipe after I “push the pee out”, Mallory said “I wipe your tushy”.
Um, no thanks.
Catching Up
Well, I finally have some time to catch up – I should be watching The Bachelor online because a friend said it was DRAMA-RAMA last night but I need to get some blogging done real quick first.
Our trip to Florida was eventful before we even left our house. Friday night I was trying to get Mallory to bed when the dog started freaking out in the kitchen and living room. He was all tense and spaced out for about five minutes, during which Mallory was freaking out because Cooper was acting so weird so I got her into bed while …
We made it to Florida!
We made it to Florida but have been super busy so no new posts, sorry. We are going to the Stars-Lightening game tonight so another busy evening; hope to post tomorrow night. Weather is decent, sunny but not super warm but warmer than at home and there is no snow here!
You bumming me, Coopah
Uh oh. I *really* need to watch what I say around a VERY smart two-year-old who picks up EVERYTHING that you say.
Here is the video:
In case you can’t understand her, she told Cooper: “You go in your cage, Coopah. You bumming me.”
I’m assuming that “bumming” = “bugging” because when the dog is in super-clingy mode and following me everywhere and is constantly underfoot, I tell Cooper to go to his cage because he is bugging me. Good thing I don’t tell Cooper to go to his cage because he is “bugging the ever-loving-$hit out of me” anymore. That would be …
Theme Week
It was Theme Week at daycare this week – Monday was crazy hat day and Tuesday was crazy hair day. Yesterday was pajama day and today was favorite sports team day and tomorrow is crazy outfit day (mismatch, inside out, etc).
Here she was on Crazy Hat Day – she wasn’t sure which hat to wear so she wore both my fun ski hat and her new hard hat. She INSISTED on Cooper being in this picture with her:
And here are Tuesday’s Crazy Hair Day pictures. Mallory is rocking five ponytails:
I …
Silliest Girl on the Block
Ok, these first pictures aren’t so silly but they are adorable.
Ok, here are the silly pictures:
Testing out her new toolbelt & suspenders
I have some more funny pictures but am going to do them under separate posts.
Some recent Mallory-isms
When she is going to run and grab something to show us, she says “I be right back” and holds her hand up like a policeman.
She is good at helping with chores already – she wants to set the table every night, including getting all of us a fork and napkin.
We are trying to teach her that she has to wait for all of us to sit down before she should start eating. She is patient about 25% of the time and will actually wait for us to eat. Rick was in a hurry this morning because of his flight, …
Things you hear in a house with a potty-training two-year old
We decided that Mallory waking up at 2a and expecting to come to our bed had to stop (the 4a arrival isn’t as bad, but 2a is pushing it). She isn’t interrupting any cuddling or anything these days…Rick is a FURNACE when he sleeps and combined with my pregnancy–induced bedtime heat production, I make him stay on his side of the bed. Anyway, I digress. So, when she got up at 2a last night, Rick tried to get her to stay in her room and she refused and kept crying, so I got up to see what I could do. …