We went to visit Rick’s mom this weekend to do Christmas with her. Mallory was awesome the whole weekend and was a great traveler; she didn’t need any Monsters Inc or silly kids music to keep her happy the whole trip down or home. But Mallory got all of a 40 minute nap today and was awake by 11.15a, when she normally goes down for a 2-ish hour nap at 11.30a, so she is beyond tired right now. She is standing at the door in her room (where she is baby-gated in) crying for me, pleading “MOOOOOMMMMMMYYYY”.
Normally when she is …
Category: Mallory
Third Trimester
OMG. We are in the third trimester today. All of 27 weeks. I can’t believe that I now start doctor’s appointments every two weeks for the next couple of months, before starting weekly appointments and the non-stress-tests for the last month.
Nothing else to report. Rick is heading to his mom’s tomorrow with Mallory; I am not sure if I’ll be staying home or going, it depends on how I sleep tonight and what my back feels like in the morning. I’m nervous about undoing my physical therapy progress by sitting in a car for 4+ hours and then sleeping on …
A Pretty Ballerina
We got a bag of hand-me-downs today…look at what Mallory came out of her room wanting to wear (the hard hat was part of one of her Christmas presents):
But here are the best parts (we are listening to her new Barenaked Ladies CD that she got from Santa):
Merry Christmas!!
I hope this finds everyone safe & happy on this holiday morning :-) Here is Mallory’s Christmas greeting:
I have to say that it has been pretty fun getting into the Christmas spirit with Mallory – from her learning Jingle Bells to us leaving cookies for Santa (and carrots for the reindeer) we’ve had a great time. The “Santa is watching, you better be good” threat didn’t quite work so well this year but we’ll start tomorrow for next Christmas…
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Mallory was up at 5a (not unusual) and climbed into bed with us (also not unusual) and we all fell …
So far this morning
I woke up at 5a to see on TV that the roads are crappy and we are supposed to get some gross freezing rain today so I decided to take advantage of my planning ahead from yesterday (I brought work home with me in anticipation of yucky weather) and stay home.
Mallory just woke up and this is how our morning has gone so far.
MCB: “Mommy, find my paci”
MCB: “Mommy, I cuddle wiv you in your bed”
STB: “Mallory, who is coming tomorrow?”
MCB: “Santa!”
MCB: “Santa come in my room?”
STB: “um, maybe…do you want him to come into your room?”
MCB: “Yes”
now sitting on …
Mallory's new car
Well, we bought Mallory her first car yesterday and she is nice enough to let us drive it for the next 14 years until she turns 16 and is old enough to get her license. What a nice daughter we have!!
We finally got rid of Rick’s not-very-carseat-friendly Jeep and replaced it with a Honda Accord. Isn’t it pretty? We were looking to get something that was friendly for two carseats and also got good gas mileage and this car fit the bill. I was pushing for a Jetta but RB thinks they are too small so we went with the …
Just some pictures from the weekend
No new stories, just some random pictures I wanted to share.
I saw a blog where a cool mom did a gingerbread house with her daughters using graham crackers and regular store icing. I thought that would be so fun to try and was full on planning to go the do-in-myself route, until I saw a gingerbread house kit at Tar.get for cheap. Mallory had fun decorating the house but I won’t let anyone eat anything it for two reasons: 1) the gingerbread tastes HORRIBLE; and 2) Mallory was “accidentally” getting her fingers all in the frosting when she would …
An Early Present for me
Rick and Mallory are out running errands and going to Rick’s work so he can work out (I guess having hockey tonight isn’t enough of a workout?) so I have the house to myself with some fresh baked cookies and my favorite Christmas music (ie – NOT Jingle Bells over & over & over again). What a great Sunday – it is freezing out and there is a ton of snow – so I can’t think of anywhere I’d rather be than inside doing what I want to do!
* * *
I can’t believe it is almost the end of 2008. …
Things you see & hear in a house with a two-year-old you are trying to potty train
STB: “Mallory, I am going to go to the bathroom and then we can watch your movie.”
MCB: “I come watch.”
And she proceeded to stand between my legs with her hands clasped behind her back and watch me go to the bathroom.
Walk this way, mommy
This is how she usually says I walk, even though on this video she says it is how she walks.