
Could today have been any more exciting?

September 27, 2008

I had a bunch of stuff to write yesterday but didn’t get to it (Mallory saying “eeyo” for “here you go” for one example). And then today Michigan had to go have a game for the record books (biggest comeback for Michigan in Michigan Stadium) so I have a whole bunch of different stuff to write about.
Oh. My. Gosh.
First off, we got to go see Rick on the field before the game.
img 1558 – img 1559
Then Mallory & Gaga went running for the endzone to make a touchdown (and of course find the M).
img 1560 – img 1561
And then we …

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Mallory, rb, words


September 26, 2008

It must be an almost 2-yr old thing, because I just read on a friend’s blog that her almost 2-yr old son has started saying her first name instead of Mom.
Mallory is doing the same thing but with Rick. She’ll stand in the living room and yell “Wick! Wick!”
It makes me laugh.
It makes Rick grumpy.
Which makes me laugh more.


A cure all?

September 26, 2008

Went to the doctor yesterday afternoon. After I described all of Mallory’s ills (see previous post) and after the doctor looked & listened to a bunch of Mallory’s body parts, it was decided that Mallory probably has a sinus infection. We got a prescription for Amoxicillan which, according to the doctor, will fix everything:

she shouldn’t still have the thick nasty drainage coming out of her nose; if it was just a cold it wouldn’t last over a week. so the penicillin will help cure the infection in her head, which will clear up her snotty nose, which will make her …

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Best Movie Ever

September 24, 2008

[picture BD poster]
Mallory’s sleep issues reminded me of a quote from my favorite movie….

[Larry jogs out to the mound to break up a players’ conference]
Larry: Excuse me, but what the hell’s going on out here?
Crash Davis: Well, Nuke’s scared because his eyelids are jammed and his old man’s here. We need a live… is it a live rooster?
[Jose nods]
Crash Davis: . We need a live rooster to take the curse off Jose’s glove and nobody seems to know what to get Millie or Jimmy for their wedding present.
[to the players]
Crash Davis: Is that about right?
[the players nod]
Crash Davis: We’re dealing …

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Much better, thanks

September 24, 2008

Mallory showed improvement in the sleep category last night – she went down fine at bedtime again but then was up around 10.30p. Then Rick thought he had her back asleep and came upstairs but turned around to see her following him. That was sort of funny – I was almost back asleep myself and when I heard him say “What the hell????” while looking at the floor I thought it was because the dog pooped or threw up ~ but it was just his shock at finding Mallory almost at the top of the stairs…
Rick said she was farting …

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Carmen & Oreo

September 22, 2008

[img 1549] -PICTURE
Mallory & I had a fun visit to my friend Amy’s house tonight (actually Amy’s mom’s house). They have two ponies, Carmen & Duke, and a black & white bunny named Oreo. This first picture is Mallory seeing Carmen head our way – she was a little bit afraid. I don’t think she ever even touched the pony at all. Then we went to see Duke who was in the pasture (I think that is what it is called?) and Mallory threw a couple of apple wedges to Duke who gobbled them right up. She was adamant about …

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friends, Mallory

Surprise Playdate!

September 22, 2008

Mallory & Alli had a surprise playdate tonight! Alli’s mom had some crazy stuff go down at work today and called with to see if we could bring Alli home with us from school for a few hours. Of course I said yes – it is almost easier having two than just one!! Plus, Rick was with me since Monday is his light day so I figured it would be a fun evening.
When we got to daycare, none of the teachers knew we were taking Alli with us (even though Alli’s mom had left a voicemail), but they didn’t even …

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September 21, 2008

She fell asleep and stayed asleep in her new big girl bed last night; this is how we found her at about 9p.

I think it’s so cute how she curled up in the only enclosed area of the bed.
But then we heard from her around 4:30a – she was beyond distressed and I realized that we don’t have a nightlight in her room so she probably woke up and freaked out being in a new bed in the pitch dark. We’ll have to rethink putting her in the big bed again tonight; the day will be here soon enough …

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Mallory, video

Ahlo!!! (spoken with a British accent)

September 21, 2008

Mallory inherited our old cordless phone and likes to carry it around and pretend to call people.
She doesn’t normally say “hello” so the fact that she’s saying hello like the British is hysterical. That and the new thing of pretending to actually dial numbers cracks me up.

Mallory, rb, stb

Boat & Bed

September 20, 2008

Well, we didn’t make it to the apple orchard, the pumpkin farm, the zoo or get any yardwork done or go on a hayride. But we had a fun family day none-the-less.
Rick was home before Mallory & me yesterday, which is not normal Friday football season behavior. The three of us were able to take Cooper for a walk in the woods. Rick has been bugging me about walking (after I complain about not being able to go for my daily walks) and I think after our “walk” yesterday he gets why I don’t get out daily like I used …

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