Mallory, video


July 3, 2008

Here is a little video of Mallory doing the alphabet. Well, part of the alphabet.
So not sure what the “cheese” is about in the beginning.


Daycare Beauty Shop

July 2, 2008

Everyone knows my kid has wacky hair. Rick does daycare drop-off and he is unable to do anything but comb it in the mornings. Thank goodness the toddler room ladies like doing baby hair ~ almost every day when I pick Mallory up she has some variation of a ponytail(s) going on. Yesterday it was three baby pigtails – I cannot for the life of me see how they get her to sit still to put those little itty bitty tiny rubber bands in her hair seeing as how I can barely get a barrette in her hair and even …

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Mallory, Miscellaneous

The babysitter

July 2, 2008

(I just found this draft post…this is from when Rick & I went to a wedding back in April.)
Mallory spent the evening with our friends and their three kids B (6), K (almost 3) & A (almost 1) last night so Rick & I could go to a wedding.
Here are the text messages I received throughout the evening. I was cracking up:
6:24p – Ask RB is he fed Mals while u were gone – 2 turkey dogs, 1 lb watermelon, some pretzels and a piece of cheese…so far. She is very happy!
7:04p – Outside now. She LOVES B. Just …

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July 2, 2008

I feel like I have been neglecting the blog lately, and it’s only been a few days since I last posted (I don’t count copy & pasting an email as a “real” post). Great, another thing to add to my list of things I feel guilty about neglecting. Fabulous.
We are looking forward to the weekend and hope the weather cooperates. I think it’s going to be nice but not too hot. I am hoping we can enjoy some low-key family time. Rick’s free weekends are so few that I want to make sure Mallory can spend as much time with …

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Race Day

June 29, 2008

Just some pictures from Rick’s race day Sunday.
No wonder she likes Kid Rock – what with her hat looking all trucker-like; notice the huge bug bites on her left cheek :-(
Right after the race
Like Mallory needs that water more than Rick does; notice the free beer in Rick’s right hand – they were handing that out as people crossed the finish line. That is Rick’s kind of race!
  “Helping” Rick walk his …

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Mallory, rb

Hell YEAH I’ll have some ice cream!

June 28, 2008

Stories out of order but this is the funniest so I have to share first.
Out to dinner tonight (more on that later)…I ordered dessert (Gra.eter’s Chocolate Chocolate Chip ice cream)…asked Mallory if she wanted some and offered her the spoon. She shook her head and said “noooooo” (I think she thought I was trying to sneak her some more sweet potatoes). Then Rick’s mom said “you don’t want any ice cream?”
Apparently “ice cream” is a magic word in Mallory’s world. She whipped her head back around to face me and opened her mouth up wide…took a bite and got a …

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Mallory, rb

Happy Firefly Spotting Day!

June 27, 2008

YEAH – I saw my first firefly of the season today – yahoo!!!
* * *
Had a fun boat cruise tonight. The weather has been so Michigan-y lately (ie – beautiful during the day and storms starting at about 5p) that we haven’t been out on the boat all week. For as crazy as life has been the past 2-3 weeks with Rick’s work schedule, it was nice to just hang out. It was hot enough that Rick & Mallory jumped in for a quick swim and we realized that Mallory’s life jacket (aka “Boat Coat” – I am so clever!) …

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friends, Mallory


June 25, 2008

Unfortunately there is no video to accompany this post so you’ll have to just close your eyes (after you read it) and visualize how completely hysterically cute Mallory and her BFF Alli are.
This is what happened when I got to daycare today:
The girls were out on the toddler playground with about six other boys & girls. Alli was chasing Mallory – and whatever Mallory stopped to look at or touch, Alli copied her. The did a lap around the playground like this (with me hiding behind a bush so neither of them saw me).
Then Alli ran to …

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Tag This

June 22, 2008

From about the time Mallory was 9 or 10 months old, she has LOVED the little satin tag on her bear blankie. Whenever she was tired she would rotate the blankie around and around in her hands until she found the tag and then she would stroke that little tag.
In the past few months, she has started to rub the satin tag on her cheek when she is tired but more recently she rubs the tag under her nose. I think it’s so funny and sweet.
But – it makes me mad that these women came up with this idea …

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