Carson, Mallory

Kids in my Kitchen

September 9, 2012

Some quiet time at home allowed me to take some quiet time pictures of my kids.
First, Carson lining up his lunchable parts to make his sandwich.

Mallory loves her some watermelon so I let her cut some up. Unfortunately only about 1/4 of what she cut up actually ended up in the tupperware bowl next to her because she ate most of it


Whoop there it is

September 5, 2012

This is pretty irrelevant for most everyone, but I’ve told this story like 50 times the past 24 hours and I wanted to write it all down.
Mallory has whooping cough, also known as pertussis. That’s the point of the story, but not the whole story. Let’s back up about six weeks.
We were in Lake Placid for Rick’s race and we ran out of Singulair, an allergy/asthma treatment pill that the kids are supposed to take every night but really only in the winter. So I didn’t worry about refilling it and figured it would be a good test to see how they’d …

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Mornings with Mallory

August 31, 2012

Over breakfast this morning, Mallory asked “how did the first person that was born come up with all the words?”
And then “how did the first person that was born get a last name?”
And when I grabbed my phone so I could blog her questions right away, she asked me if I was going to “look it up”.
* * *
I’m off today to start a five day weekend. Michigan plays Alabama in Dallas tomorrow and I’m going to enjoy a whole day to myself (and send the kids to daycare). Of course my sister called me at 6.20a.


Rockin’ on the Deck

August 25, 2012

Mallory put on a little show for me on our deck a few weeks ago. How stinking funny are her rocker faces??


Carson, cousins, Gigi, grandpa, Mallory

Grandpa’s Field of Dreams

August 6, 2012

In the summer of 2012, I found this Fisher-Price thing that allowed you to use it as a tee (for t-ball), or have it pop the ball up to you, or lob it to you like coach pitch. My dad ended up buying it (because he is the biggest kid ever – remember the zip line in the back yard of his old house?) and that weekend organized a baseball game in his backyard. He bought bases and a pitcher’s mound too, and invited all of his grandkids over for a game.
Gigi took care of the concessions – providing …

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Carson, Mallory, Tigers

Muscles Out

August 5, 2012

A few weeks ago Rick surprised us – in typical Rick fashion – by asking me casually on a Friday “want to go to the Tigers game tomorrow? We might have passes to watch batting practice.” If I ever get around to blogging about the rest of our summer vacation, you’d know that Rick really wanted to get to the ballpark in Toronto early enough to see batting practice, but so did about 100 other people so we didn’t get to see much.
So, Rick asked around (thanks Jay!) and was able to get us passes for batting practice. It was …

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Carson, Mallory, rb

Triathlon Trip–The Race

August 5, 2012

I am going to do a combo post here – my narrative and Rick’s race report. Rick’s stuff will be in blue italics, and my facebook statuses are in red. .
My race day really started the night before.  I was actually able to get to bed at an early time for me, around 9 pm.  This was perfect because I was planning on waking up at 3 am, six hours of sleep is what I was looking for.  The alarm went off at 3 and I was on my way: shower, dress, grab my morning clothes bag, head out the …

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Carson, Mallory, rb

A Triathlon Trip, Part 1

August 4, 2012

I figured I could share some pictures from the first half of our trip – these are a hodge-podge of phone pictures and little camera pictures and real camera pictures.
I’m not sure I’ve written much about it, but Rick has been training for an Ironman Triathlon – 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike and 26.2 mile run. That’s a lot of miles.
Anyway, it’s been months and months of training and early morning workouts and all day workouts and long workouts on Saturdays and/or Sundays. So to be near the end of it – I was a little excited.
We headed out …

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