
Happy Easter!

March 23, 2008

I was so excited about Easter – because it was the first time Mallory could really get into the holiday (sure she went trick-or-treating but she didn’t understand the whole get dressed up, go up to the door, ring the bell, say “trick or treat” thing).
We dyed Easter eggs yesterday without much of a mess, and whatever dye Mallory splashed on herself she just licked off her fingers. Nice.

The Easter Bunny came and hid exactly 25 eggs; we asked him to only hide plastic eggs because otherwise Cooper would eat them…plus then if Mallory missed …

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March 21, 2008

When Mallory gets grumpy and starts hitting me we always remind her to be “gentle” – and then she will rub my face or my hand. It’s pretty sweet because she’ll stroke both of my cheeks with both hands and look so cute. It’s hard because when she is asked to be gentle it’s because she was doing something naughty in the first place so I don’t want to reward the being gentle thing too much for fear that it will encourage her to hit me so she can rub my face after. Perhaps I am overthinking.
Anyway, the funny …

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Go Blue (Jackets)!

March 20, 2008

Mallory got to see her second ever NHL game last night (her first being when she was 6 weeks old…). We had sweet seats again for the Blue Jackets-Red Wings game and Mallory got on tv a lot because she was mostly standing right behind Hitch.
I guess there were a couple of spots where she got some good exposure because at two points during the game, both Rick’s & my cell phones were blowing up with texts and voicemails. My mom would call and leave a message with the time left in the game and what she saw. How nice …

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Mallory, video

Tiny Bubbles

March 18, 2008

We are making progress in our swim class – Mallory has always enjoyed it but just Monday night started actually blowing bubbles in the water. Here she is practicing in the bathtub. Please, please, please ignore my crazy mom cheers in the background. I almost edited out the sound but then realized you wouldn’t be able to hear her bubble-blowing. Enjoy.

* * *
The other day when I picked my pumpkinhead up from school, I asked about the food we send for her. She gets breakfast, snack, lunch, and a second snack at school; I was wondering if a single grilled …

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March 17, 2008

OK. My sweet darling daughter needs to expand her vocabulary. The only word she wants to say lately is mamamamamamamamamamamamama. With a clingy dog and a clingy kid, I can’t hardly even go to the bathroom in peace. And she is sort of anti-anyone else right now, including her dad, so even if someone else is here, it doesn’t really help much. It’s almost painful. (So much for me thinking that the ear tubes were the cure-all for her occasional whininess [is that spelled right?].)
* * *
So, as annoying as the constant mamamamamamamamamamamamama-ing is, she is still pretty cute. Here …

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Dr Mallory, at your service

March 15, 2008

This week has been full of ear drops for Mallory and she is soooo good about letting us put them in her ears. She wants to carry the little bottle around and will come sit on our laps when we ask her to so we can put them in. Then she wants to put the drops in our ears, and just today I asked her if Cooper got his ear drops. Looks like an early candidate for vet school if you ask me:

I’d like to point out that if I got that close to Cooper with a little …

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Post-Op Report

March 13, 2008

We have an almost new kid. I know I’ve said before that Mallory is a pretty happy and agreeable child; but if it’s possible, I think she’s even happier and more agreeable after getting the fluid pressure relieved from her ears. She had a sort of rough first night on Tuesday (probably partly due to the fact that she had a 4 hour nap so she didn’t want to sleep at night) but last night and tonight she has been awesome.
Last night she played for about an hour while I made dinner…

yes, that is a bikini top she’s wearing…
…and then …

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March 11, 2008

So not sure if you read my buddy’s comment on my “New Trick” post – basically it was picking on me about how Mallory let my “I love you” fall flat on the floor at the end of the video. I emailed him back and told him about how I almost edited that end part of the video because it hurt my feelings a little how she dissed me.
This is the email I got in response:
you’ll be fine.
Her whole social-awkwardness perception is off a little. Maybe because she’s only 16 months. The only conversation she thinks is worth having is …

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All Tubed Up

March 11, 2008

Tubes are installed in my little pumpkinhead’s ears. Mallory was soooo good at the hospital. She took all her medicine and let Aunt Emily weigh & measure her. She looked A-DOR-ABLE in her little gown tied in the back. She got the little ID anklet thingy put on and then pulled up her gown so they could put one on the other ankle (but alas, only one ID anklet per patient).

coloring in the waiting room wearing her JLo warmups
“But I need TWO anklets”
Sweet gown, dude.

I think I was more nervous than Mallory was.
(The pictures stop here because I thought …

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