
My Little Oinker

March 1, 2008

We get a daily report from school every day with what Mallory ate, when she napped, and when & what kind of diaper changes she had. I don’t normally pay attention to anything other than the nap column, but yesterday’s meal column was full so it stood out to me. This is what it said:


oatmeal cookie

yogurt, milk

cheerios, watermelon, 1/2 banana, water

pizza, carrots, refused milk

1/2 banana, watermelon, cheerios, water

more carrots, cheerios, water

We provide all this food (Friday was pizza day so we just sent money for that) so I shouldn’t be surprised that she ate all this. And the oatmeal …

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More about the tubes

March 1, 2008

I thought I’d share more about our decision to do tubes.
Mallory had a hearing test which she passed with flying colors. They did another little test to see how her eardrums move (it helps the doctor know how much fluid is behind the eardrums). That result was just OK – not perfect but not horrible. When we met with the ENT guy, Dr Possum Hunting (not his real name), said that her ears didn’t show any signs of permanent damage so the decision was up to us, or rather me, since my husband is on vacation working in Florida.
One of …

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"Fancy Nancy" is a pain my arse

March 1, 2008

So this really cute book that Mallory just loves is becoming a big fat pain in my arse. She is OBSESSED with “Fancy Nancy”, which is pretty adorable (it’s the book she’s “reading” to herself in the video from a few days ago), but this obsession has started to interfere with diaper changes, getting dressed, taking baths, etc.
She wants to carry the book around and read it ALL.THE.TIME. And because it’s not a little board book, it’s big, like bigger than 8.5 x 11, she can’t read it while laying on her back while I change her diaper. And …

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Elephant Ears

February 28, 2008

The theme this week at daycare was “Jungle Animals” and today was Elephants. The kids colored ears and then the teachers put the ears onto hats; and then the kids paraded around wearing their elephant ears.
Secret Society of Walkers: There is a corner of the kitchen at daycare that Mallory usually likes to go stand in while I wait patiently for her to decide to put her coat on so we can leave. Today Miss Makeda told me that the walkers in the infant room (there are four – Mals, Alli, Pavol & Emily) always go …

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February 28, 2008

Mallory is getting tubes March 11.

coops, Mallory

Now hear this…

February 27, 2008

Wahoo! We got Mallory’s appointment with the ENT people moved up to tomorrow! I don’t know why I’m so excited about this; I guess I’m just hoping to get a break from the near constant antibiotics Mallory has been on since November. I’m also interested to see if it affects her mood at all since she is so happy most of the time – will fixing her ears let her be happy all of the time?
Mallory will come to work with me in the morning and we’ll go get some of the famous cafeteria pancakes that I eat almost every …

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Mallory, video

Haunted House

February 26, 2008

I have a ghost in my house!

Thank goodness she is a friendly ghost…

We are surviving Rick being gone. Mallory has been sleeping a little weird this week – could be teeth, could be that she has to get up about 90 minutes earlier for school when I do drop off, or could be because her daddy isn’t here. She isn’t interested in talking to him on the phone either – so it makes me wonder if she is trying to snub him back since she feels snubbed by him being gone.
* * *
There have been a few funny things …

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The naked shopper

February 23, 2008

Just some random stuff.
Mallory has had some pretty nasty runny poop diapers the past two days so I let her go bare-bottomed for a bit today to try to air out. I was at the ready with a towel in case she started to pee or poop. I was also at the ready with the camera because I couldn’t resist her sweet little bum as she pushed her shopping cart into her room.
I always get a little nervous when she gets a bad diaper rash – it was just before our ER visit last fall that she had …

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B-2 Crash

February 23, 2008

Look what happened on Guam today:
The crazy thing is that we SAW the Stealth Bomber when we were there a month ago! Rick & I saw it at night one night and it was pretty freaky – really wide set pattern of lights flying slow.Then the next day it made a couple of passes over our hotel – Rick even got a picture:

That article also refers to a crash of a Navy plane 20 miles off the coast of Guam 11 days ago. What the hell is going on?


One day

February 22, 2008

My sister just forwarded me these pictures my dad took on November 7, 2006…
Hard to believe I thought she was soooooo beautiful back then. LOL!