This baby of mine in my tummy is doing some Olympic gymnastics or something and it is KILLING me. It doesn’t hurt but it is way annoying! Doesn’t s/he know that this is quiet time in our house? It isn’t “play quiet” (ie, the code word for roughhousing back when I was little) time.
The baby is 21w3d today and we have our next doctor’s appointment tomorrow morning! Time is going really fast overall but it seems as though each day slowly crawls along. At my last appointment, the Great Dr B told me I could have another big ultrasound …
Things you hear in a house with a two-year old
“WHAT? GAGA? No hear you!!!”
(yelled from the upstairs down to Rick who was in the kitchen).
Wook at me, mama!
Mallory has been full of it all weekend – hardly any meltdowns and we have had a lot of fun.
Friday night Rick took us out to dinner – I suggested meeting at the Pub in town, but he said “aren’t you craving BW3s?” This from the man who NEVER EVER responds when I say I NEED a peanut buster parfait from DQ or that I NEED to have pizza, even when I try to blame it on being pregnant. So the fact that he was trying to get me to play the “craving” card just because he wanted BW3s …
Things you hear in a house with a two-year-old and a dog that eats socks
Mallory removing her bedtime socks in the morning and saying “My socks, Buhbuh. No eat it.”
Mark the baby book
Rick felt Baby Arlo move today!!
Ok, last post for today
Two quick stories.
Mallory & I took Cooper for a walk in the woods a couple of weeks ago and my sister & her brood + their 6-mo old yellow lab Obi joined us. The kids were all pretty good the whole way up the hill and the dogs were having a BLAST chasing each other and running. We were about 1/4 of the way back down the hill, and Lauren was bent over on the dirt road to look at something and 120 lbs of streaking yellow & black lab barreled into her behind and she was sent headfirst into …
What Mallory does before football games
I mean, doesn’t EVERYONE wear a tutu over their pajamas with their fancy shoes and play with cars before a Michigan football game?
To reference (again) my favorite movie, if you believe you are winning because you are breathing through your eyelids or wearing a garter belt under your uniform or if it’s because you are wearing a tutu with your pajamas and fancy shoes – then that is why you are winning.
I say go with it; it worked against Minnesota. Nothing like starting the superstitions young.
Mallory’s two-year checkup
We had Mallory’s two-year well-child appointment today. She now weighs 33.5lbs and is 35.5” tall. Her weight is 98th percentile and her height is 89th. She still has a tiny umbilical hernia that has a year to close otherwise we have to see the surgeons but the pediatrician is convinced that it will close on it’s own.
Mallory was a maniac during the appointment, and was being SOOO bossy to Rick – telling him “do dis, gaga” and wanting him to imitate her. She didn’t want us to put her shirt back on after she got weighed so she was running …
Mallory the Builder
We are having some work done at our house (not the big addition, just enclosing the stairwell to the master bedroom). The guy came and framed it last weekend and until he comes to do drywall this weekend, we have some unfinished construction. I had to nail up some 2x4s across the openings in the studs so that a little person or a big dog didn’t walk through the openings and fall down the stairs.
Of course Mallory wanted to help:
And then after she hit herself with the hammer, I gave her a new tool:
* * *
I have so much I …
Catching up on some birthday pictures
Here are a bunch of pictures from last week that I haven’t posted yet – the first set are all from our home birthday celebration and then a couple from her birthday breakfast. Mallory really got into her birthday and presents. When we got home from work/school on Friday, there was a package from Mallory’s grandma – I told Mallory she had more presents and she went RUNNING to the living room and stopped short in front of the entertainment center, looking for her presents. I guess I should have waited until I opened & unpacked the box before telling …