Baby Arlo, Pregnancy

Halfway there!

November 11, 2008

Holy fast – I can’t believe we are 20 weeks already – and since pregnancy is 40 weeks, that means that we are halfway through this pregnancy. And since Mallory was a week late, today we are 20.5-ish weeks along, I really am halfway through :-) We have our next appointment next Tuesday – stay tuned for that update.
Here are my 20-week belly pictures and the belly progress pictures!


It's raining, it's snowing…wait, it's SNOWING??

November 10, 2008

Wahoo! We got our first snow of the season yesterday! I am so excited about the holidays this year and getting Mallory all fired up for Santa and everything, I’m ready to start decorating for Christmas RIGHT NOW (and I would if I could get into the attic but Arlo is preventing that from happening).
Mallory wanted to call her Papa & Nina to tell them that it was snowing up high. I’m sure they miss the snow a lot, seeing as how they live in Florida.


Two gems from today

November 9, 2008

In the midst of all my blog-recovery, Mallory gave us two gems:

She had just finished breakfast and had some milk left on her face; of course once I put her on the ground, Cooper came to check her out. She sternly told him, “NO TISSES, BUHBUH!” (no kisses, Cooper).
I was on the phone for an hour with tech support trying to get my blog figured out – Mallory kept telling me to “top talking, mama” (stop talking, mama) over and over again.

That’s all I got for now.


I’m getting a little emotionable*

November 6, 2008

Holy hormones or something but man am I about to lose it. It really hit me about an hour ago and when I looked at the clock, it was 8:10p…and Mallory was born at 8:11p so I wonder if my maternal intincts were reminding me that it was the time?
* * *
Anywho, today was Mallory’s actual birthday. Since Rick wasn’t going to be home after work, we went to birthday breakfast this morning and Mallory wore her brand new birthday shirt that Allison’s mom got her (but if you asked Mals who got her the shirt, she would tell …

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I boated

November 5, 2008

That’s what Mallory did yesterday if you were to ask her after about 3.30p.
Mals got to go to the polls with me after work and I had my purse stuffed full with a banana, a book and some oyster crackers to help us both endure the long lines I expected to see. But lucky for us, we walked right in, got my ballot and sat down to fill it out. She kept trying to knock over the cardboard science-project-display-like barriers that were surrounding each voting station but I filled my ballot out quickly and we were ready to go. I …

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Fancy Mallory

November 3, 2008

We celebrated Mallory’s birthday tonight. Judging by the look on her face, I think that the Fancy Nancy dress and coordinating fancy fuchsia shoes were a big hit.
More pictures another day.


Lace ‘Em Up

November 2, 2008

Mallory went ice skating for the first time today! Well, really the first time she was on the ice was in February of 2006 when I played hockey before I knew I was pregnant. But today was the first time Mallory went ice skating with her own skates.
She was pretty into getting her skates on (yes, they are figure skates and not hockey skates, settle down, Mello). And she was even able to stand up on them and didn’t look like an anklebender! But the best part is that she got to wear a helmet that looks just like the …

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coops, video

Cooper doing what dogs are supposed to do

November 2, 2008

Here is Cooper playing with his Jolly Ball. Apparently you are supposed to get a ball that is just big enough that the dog can’t get his jaw around it. Cooper has still succeeded in almost getting his teeth around it and has also learned how to play soccer with it and chase it around the yard.

You can also see Mallory’s new swing set in this video – she did a bunch of swinging while I raked. And you might be able to see that my piles of leaves aren’t so great…that’s because Mallory walked through all of them. Oh, …

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friends, Mallory, video

I’m a Big, mama

November 1, 2008

Mallory has a hard time with some letters and words, and pig is one of them so she usually says “big” instead. So here is our “big” on Halloween tonight:

We went up to Alli’s neighborhood to trick or treat tonight and the girls were HYSTERICAL. They quickly caught on to saying “trick or treat” first, and then “thank you” after, and sometimes threw in the casual “happy halloween!”. They both enjoyed seeing the decorations and spent a bit of time just observing the big kids running through the yards. Both girls were big hits at all the houses and …

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Cooper, the goat-dog, Volume XXX

October 31, 2008

Here is Mallory’s super-adorable shirt (that she got to wear like three times) before:

And here it is after Cooper decided he wanted to eat some of it:

He’s such a dumb ass. This is war.