We got to babysit Mallory’s cousin Liam today and overnight. He is 13 mos old and a total sweetheart. Mallory is soooooo not a fan of sharing, especially me. Whenever I was paying attention to Liam or holding him, she turned into a clingy, whiny mess. Oy. But I learned that if I asked for her help with Liam (changing his diaper, getting him in his jammies, etc), she turned off the whinies and was willing to help. That was pretty sweet.
After dinner tonight we went for a boat ride and Liam was trying to launch himself over the …
This is my life
I had to laugh yesterday. I was sitting in the backyard watching my daughter & my dog and realized that this is my life and it’s pretty funny. My kid was playing with her new Little Tykes car and the dog was trying his damndest to get a tennis ball out from under the deck. He turns his head & shoulders sideways and starts trying to sneak under the stairs. He never gets the ball but he does end up with a lot of cobwebs and dirt all over himself.
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My friend picked up the car for Mallory at …
Ma-noh-ney & Boat trips
I’ve been feeling bad that Mallory is such a hard name to say and was worried it would take her 5 years to be able to say it. But this morning we asked her to say “Mallory” and she said “Ma-noh-NEY”!!!
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Seems I can’t remember to bring my camera on the first boat trips of the year. Last year & this year I only have pictures from our second boat trips of the year.
What a difference a year makes!!
Last year:
This year:
And I’ll say boating with a 6.5 mo old is easier than boating with an 18.5 mo old.
Just some …
Baby Beet
New words this week:
Beet . As in “baby beet”, while holding a baby doll upside down.
What? You don’t know Mallorian? “Beet” is Mallorian for “feet”.
And “nilk” is “milk”, doncha know?
Mallory tried to go shopping this week.
R & I will have to remember that giving our daughter the checkbook and a pen will keep her quiet in a chair for about 15 minutes. That’s good stuff. Especially since my checks are free…that is cheaper than buying a coloring book!
Silly videos
Here is Mallory talking about dreams (we call them “movies in your eyes”):
EVERY SINGLE TIME we ask her about her “movies in her eyes”, she makes that funny face like she really is trying to go back and see what she dreamed about.
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And the beginning and end of this video, when she is blinking all funny – I was winking at her and she was trying to do it too. Hysterical.
Buh-buh! Baby! Ga-ga!!
I ? my family!
Mallory & I were just reviewing the pictures I took at the lake, and when this one came up, she said “buh-buh! baby! ga-ga! (which is Mallorian for Daddy)”.
The weather never got crappy like it was supposed to today but it is way hot (GOD I am getting old) and we went to dip our toes in the lake. Mallory was a little freaked out with the mud & sand getting on her feet. But soon she was wading in to her tummy – that water was COLD but she wasn’t chattering or turning blue so we …
Memorial Day weekend so far
We found a little stroller & high chair at a garage sale this weekend for Mallory’s baby. She LOVES her babies and loves being able to stroll them through the house. Yesterday morning she put her baby in the high chair and then tried to share her french toast sticks with her baby.
And then at the BBQ that started at 5p – Mallory enjoyed her first ever actual corn on the cob!
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Michigan softball’s season ended yesterday. This is bittersweet for me. Had they won, Rick would be leaving tomorrow for anywhere from 5-10 …
My life in pictures…
Saw this recently and thought I would try it out…
Answer the questions below
Type each answer into flickr
Take any picture from the first page of results and post your answers.
Here goes….
Age you’ll be on your next birthday:
The Only Difference
Back story – Mallory had her first taste of chocolate milk last night. I squirted a few drops of Hershey’s syrup into her sippy cup of milk and handed it to her. She took a drink, looked down at the sippy spout like “what in the HELL was that???” and then got a GINORMOUS grin on her face. And then she went to town on that frocolate milk.
I called Mallory’s 7-yr old cousin Shane to tell him that Mallory had her first chocolate milk (that kid is a choco-holic). Here is our conversation:
Me: Hey Shane – Mallory had …