So Mallory’s new thing, as of 30 minutes ago, is to take her little Walk ‘n Ride and run through the kitchen and ram it into Cooper’s pillow, where Cooper is trying to rest. And then she laughs HYSTERICALLY at herself. Back up three steps, and ram again, laughing hysterically. Wash, rinse, repeat. Poor Cooper.
Remember when I posted that I was going to start vacuuming every day after work because Mallory was trying to eat the kong pieces? Well, my smart little girl has taken to bringing me chunks of kong that she finds around the house. Oh, and no, I don’t still …
Late November, 2007
Wow did last week go fast.
After having some normal family time (i.e. I had my husband home for dinner three nights in a row!), we headed south to spend Thanksgiving with Rick’s mom and aunt/uncle/cousins. We stayed at a Holiday Inn Express which for some reason not as relaxing as they advertise…could be because we were sharing a room with a one-year-old? Anyway, the funniest thing was the round data boxes that were flush with the floor in the hallway outside our hotel room door: Mallory would go right to them and stand on them, deliberately putting her two little …
Get a leg up
Here is photographic evidence of Mallory practicing to be a hockey player. I can’t wait to break out this picture of that sweet little bottom in 20 years!!
On to sad news. Bummer football game yesterday. So sad for H&H&L and LC. I had a bunch of paragraphs typed up about all the thoughts in my head regarding Michigan football and decided I can’t post them in a public forum such as this. At least not right now.
I left my camera in town yesterday so no pictures yet of our Big Game tailgate. Stay tuned.
Over the boards
Mallory tried to get herself into the bathtub tonight. She was getting impatient with me waiting to get the water warm so she actually got her little foot up over the edge of the tub. So she is either ready to play hockey or was stretching at a ballet barre (sorry Lisa).
And for documentation purposes…Rick beat us home Monday night so when Mallory & I walked in the door, Rick called out “HI MALLORY”. Mallory wiggled out of my arms and took off running, saying “HI da-DAAAHHHH!!!!” I almost started to cry, it was so cute. Back when we were …
One and one
Wow, a girl turns a year and her mom stops writing about her. Ooops.
Crazy time-o-year for our household. I can’t believe the end of the season is almost here. I traveled to Wisconsin last weekend for the game so Mallory had a full day with Gigi (who was EXHAUSTED after chasing the pumpkin around). Big game v that team from down south this weekend. Lots of drama swirling…will H & H play? will LC retire? where will I spend my Christmas vacation?
Back to Mallory. She had her one-year appointment on her one-year and one-week birthday. She tipped the scales at …
da-DAH, playing quiet, toes and shoes
FINALLY she says daddy. I was a little worried because daycare has reported that she can say three of the daycare ladies’ names, but she had yet to say daddy. But just this week, I can ask Mallory “where’s daddy?” and she responds with “da-DAH da-DAH!” And when he walks in the room, it’s all da-DAH. I ? it.
Secondly….I am becoming my mother. When my sister & I were little, we weren’t allowed to rough-house with my dad, because we were noisy and I guess one of us would end up in tears. So every night at dinner, we’d ask …
Belated Birth Story
In honor of Mallory’s recent birthday, I thought I’d post her long-ago written up but never posted birth story. And it’s fun to go read my post from the morning of November 5…
Sunday afternoon, November 5, I was starting to have some weird tummy feelings, so I checked in our childbirth prep book to see what it said. I was feeling some pain in my lower back, which they say is a sign of “real” labor but the cramps I was feeling in the front weren’t very painful. They were coming about every 30+ minutes apart so I figured it …
A Pumpkin's First Birthday
One year ago right now I was sitting on my big exercise ball, doing circles like I learned in lamaze class. Rick was talking to his mom and we were trying to decide if she shouldn’t come up the next weekend because we were probably going to be induced on Wednesday morning and wouldn’t be discharged until Friday morning at the earliest. Little did we know, our little “Fred” (which is what my nephew Shane said we should call the baby) was on his/her way out. I ended up going into real labor a few hours later, and headed to …
Off-topic: Still Arrogant
Michigan at Michigan State. Beautiful November afternoon. My dear Hen friends. Jello Shots. Michigan Victory. Can I ask for anything more?
Addendum to Week 51…
I KNEW I’d have some stuff to add:
Mallory has been”using” her utensils at mealtime for a few weeks, but usually she tries to stab the food with the wrong end of the fork and ends up using her hands, or I load the food on to her fork for her and she will feed herself. But last night she actually stuck her fork into a piece of pasta and got into her mouth all be herself!
She now walks around the house with her remote control held to her ear saying “hhiiiiii”. Not so sure who she is talking to.
When Cooper …