
no nap for you

January 24, 2007

mallory has taken to not taking an afternoon nap. which means i pick her up from daycare ~3.30p and she doesn’t sleep until we make her go to bed at night. this makes for very long afternoons. i try to nurse her and put her down, she screams. i try to rock her and put her down, she screams. so i just let her stay up, in my arms, all night, until it’s bathtime & bedtime. she is still grumpy about going to bed but we make her do it.
so this afternoon, i just nursed her and tried to put …

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Baby Fred

mallory tickles me

January 19, 2007

i have to record this somewhere so i don’t forget…i LOVE how mallory tickles my side while she’s nursing. she gets her fingers going like she’s playing the piano and just goes to town. it just cracks me up. that’s all. TGIF.


who dresses you?

January 17, 2007

so when i picked mallory up from daycare today, they asked me who dresses her in the morning. i told them that i pick out her clothes….and they asked if rick dresses her . i said yes and they said they could tell…because she always has super cute clothes on but that there are always snaps not snapped, etc. lol!!

(notice the snaps on the turtleneck)


Poop Watch

January 16, 2007

we are currently on poop-watch. mallory last pooped last thursday. that’s 5 days with no poop. now, rick & i are not minding the mess-free diaper changings but we are a little concerned about the missing poop.
the pediatrician says we don’t need to worry until it’s been 10 days, and we’ve been giving her some apple juice every day but still nothing.
she’s still farting like it’s her job and doesn’t seem to be in any pain so we just wait, for the poop.

Mallory, travel

mallory is 2 months :-)

January 10, 2007

Ok, so Mallory is really over two months but we just had her two month checkup today. She is 23.5 inches long (85th percentile) and weighs 11.75 lbs. The doctor said she looks great and says to keep up doing what we’re doing. Mallory wasn’t a big fan of the three shots she needed to get – but as soon as I picked her up her tears stopped (so THAT’S what being a mom is all about?). She is really starting to smile at us – it is so rewarding to see her crack a big grin. She seems to …

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"She's 7 weeks"

December 27, 2006

i am going to make mallory a shirt that says “i’m seven weeks!”.
so this morning, rick & i are at breakfast with mallory at a little breakfast spot near the hotel. the family sitting behind us noticed mallory (which was easy to do since she was sqwaking out of hunger or being tired ~ am i bad mom that i don’t know the different cries yet?). anyway, they asked how old she was and when we said “seven weeks”, the mom said “wow! seven weeks? you are probably happy to just be out of the house!”.
how do i nicely say …

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Baby Mallory

November 26, 2006

well, there’s a reason i haven’t posted since the afternoon of november 5th…our pumpkin baby finally showed up on november 6th! pictures can be found in the link to the right…
she will be 3 weeks tomorrow ~ it’s amazing it’s gone so fast so far. we have learned that she loves to be swaddled at night, she really likes baths in the big tub (as opposed to the sponge baths out of the kitchen sink), she loves to eat (gained 1lb, 5ozs in two weeks) and loves to sleep on her daddy’s chest all evening. she isn’t a big fan …

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First Doctor’s appointment

November 10, 2006

We had Mallory’s first doctor’s appointment today – she was four days old. We hadn’t met our choice of pediatrician prior to this appointment so I was a little nervous about liking her (or rather, not liking her). But when she walked in and had on blue-rimmed glasses and seemed cool – I was pretty happy.
But before we met the doctor, we had to strip Mallory down to weigh her. That is when she decided to let loose with her first real bowel movement (we’d seen the nasty meconium the night before – was fun to hear Rick’s reaction …

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still in a holding pattern for fred

November 5, 2006

i had a non-stress test on friday and they wanted to check my amniotic fluid levels since we were overdue. there was a concern that maybe my water had broken so my doctor wanted me to head to triage to get checked out. after about 2 hours of being hooked up to a fetal monitor (where the baby looked great, heartbeat continues to be strong & healthy), they determined that i was not in labor or anywhere close to being in labor so they sent us home.
we got more details on the inducement: they call us tuesday afternoon to confirm …

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