apparently this child of mine doesn’t know about schedules and planning just yet. as happy as i am that the baby didn’t come on halloween, today would be a good day but i’m not feeling anything happening.
i am done going to work everyday but have been doing a tiny bit of work from home. mostly i’m just enjoying doing nothing but watch the snow fall today. cooper & i will go for our daily walk in a couple of hours and then hopefully i will curl up and try to watch a movie or maybe get some scrapbooking done.
rick is …
Missing my first home UM game :-(
here i am on the couch, watching my first home UM game on TV in 4 years. i made it through the rainy tailgate, and until almost halftime of the game before deciding i’d be better off at home (i certainly don’t want to get sick right now). michigan is leading northwestern 17-3 halfway through the 4th quarter and of course the sun is shining now! i think i am going to take advantage of the lazy afternoon and breakout my scrapbook supplies and try to finish getting caught up on all my pre-baby pages that i am sooooo far …
Seven More Days?
well, it’s officially one week until our due date. no progress as far as i can tell that would make me think this baby is anywhere near making an appearance.
i am getting tired of working and the constant “when are you due? are you ready?” questions. rick has been sleeping on the couch due to my pregnancy induced snoring. i guess i should come clean and say that i snore even when i’m not pregnant, but according to rick the past 3 weeks have been off the charts. also, he’s been instructed to not nudge me if i’m snoring now, …
not that i’m counting down the minutes or anything (12 days, 14 hours, 44 minutes, 19 seconds until my due date) but i am ready to not be prego anymore. this baby is either running receiver routes in my belly or is practicing chasing cooper around. my sister said that once contractions start, i won’t be able to feel the baby moving anymore, so i think this is a sign that i’m not even close.
our house is filled to the gills with all sorts of new baby stuff. the stroller has been by the front door for 3 weeks (has …
Week 32 — 2nd football game
i made it through my second UM football game. everyone seems to think that sitting on the bleachers is soooo horrible when you’re pregnant, etc. that doesn’t seem to be a problem, but it’s the crawling over people to go to the restroom so many times that is a pain. and we’ve only played vanderbilt and central michigan university so far so it hasn’t been that crowded yet. i imagine the next game will be a little tougher. i might be a little crazy to think going to the game at notre dame is a good idea. we’ll see…
28.5 week pictures
this tummy of mine is getting bigger by the day. i know i keep saying it but i can’t imagine getting much bigger. here are pics..
Second Ultrasounds
we had our second appointment in the perinatal assesment center this week; everything looked great – heartrate was 155 bpm and he/she was moving all over the place. rick was there for this appointment and i think he was in a little bit of awe watching the baby tumble on the monitor.
First Baby Pictures
had our first ultrasound today. i am participating in a study that measures uterine blood flow. basically, i have an extra 5 appointments throughout the pregnancy with an ultrasound at each one. so, it was awesome to get pictures so early. rick was on his way to california with the softball team so he was unable to join me. i got to see and hear the heartbeat — that was really cool. probably the best part about participating in the study is that i get a $25 target gift card at each appoinment. woo-hoo!!
Start Spreading the News
we started breaking the news last night. we were going to try to wait for the end of the first trimester (yeah, like i thought i could wait that long), but since i was going to have to quit hockey, the frozen a$$ets would know what was going on and we figured our families should know first. i called my mom tuesday night…she was so excited. i called my sister & dad wednesday morning. when i told emily that cooper was getting a little brother or sister, she said “that’s great. please don’t call before 7am next time”. um, she …
We got the BFP on February 19, in Chicago, after a night out drinking with some friends. I’d taken a test the day before, prior to going out, so that I’d know if I was allowed to drink or not. Luckily I didn’t go too crazy that night because the next morning, we got two pink lines. One was lighter than the other, so Rick thinks that means it’s a boy…since it doesn’t like pink. I’m so sure.