Carson, Mallory, rb, stb

Just us – July 2011

July 11, 2011

Not quite canvasable – but cute anyway ;-)

Taken with the wireless remote (which Mallory is “hiding”) under a sky that had too much sun (that is why I like cloudy days for pictures).


Walloon Lake, by Mallory

July 10, 2011

My Uncle Nick asked Mallory to paint a picture of the lake from the deck of my aunt & uncle’s house.
Mallory started out painting the green grass and blue lake & sky. She got frustrated trying to write her name with the brush so she took off to the apartment and came back with her name written in purple marker, and had added the green trees and pink flowers.
I forget that my baby is old enough to actually draw THINGS and not just scribble or color inside the lines. This week up north she also drew a bird …

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Less is more, Mal

July 8, 2011

This kid of mine loves make-up, and like the whole loving to wear dresses things, she doesn’t get it from me. Her mama wears minimal makeup nearly all the time so who knows where she gets the “Do you know why I like Barbies? Because they have pretty make-up” from.
While up north for the fourth, I let her have at it with some of the stuff in my makeup bag that I don’t really use.
She will ask “what is this for?” and then use the big brush (and a heavy hand) to apply the makeup. Rick isn’t a fan of …

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July 8, 2011

Reason 2,529 why I love my baby boy.
The kids were eating cereal out on the deck this morning at my aunt & uncle’s.
Mallory came in to get more cereal and shut the door behind her. A minute later I heard the door and went to help because I was a little worried Carson was trying to open it with his cereal bowl in his hands. As I opened the door, I saw he was empty handed.
Then I looked down and saw that he’d set his cereal bowl (that still had some milk in it) on the doormat so he …

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Carson, friends, Mallory, rb

Lake Skege-what?

July 7, 2011

While on our up north adventure we adventured south-west-ish to visit our neighbors who were visiting their parents’ lake house on Lake Skegemog (I’ll admit I had to google the name of the lake again because really – what kind of name is that? And please don’t ask me to say it.).
Lake Skegemog is connected to the better known Elk Lake and the famously-known Torch Lake. As was the theme of the week, the weather was fantastic and we got to go boating and tubing and funning on the lake.
Mallory, Rick, Carson & Nathan on the tube

The three musketeers in …

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Miscellaneous, stb

Why I blog

July 7, 2011

I’ve thought about this a lot the last couple of days – as I blog from vacation – that it might be ridiculous to take time away from my great family and the great weather and the great views and great fun to put all this stuff on my silly family blog. And I’ve been trying to figure out why I want to spend this time documenting these memories.
After writing a huge post explaining and justifying, I realized I don’t have to defend myself. So I deleted it.
I blog for me.
I blog for us and our kids.
I am probably the …

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Parenting Fail

July 6, 2011

At bedtime tonight, the kids wanted to stay up (mostly Mallory) and when Rick came in to say goodnight, he asked Mallory if she wanted to come watch bike racing on tv, thinking that since earlier today she said “Dad, can you put something on tv for me to watch that isn’t bike racing?”, that she would choose staying in bed.
Um no. Both kids popped up and said “I want to watch bike racing” and “I anna atch bike wacing!”.
Nice work, RB.

Carson, Mallory

I wanna be a Cowboy, baby

July 6, 2011

Another fun activity we did up north was taking the little kids horseback riding. Kaylie, Mallory, Alex & Carson all got to go on a short ride and they all LOVED it.
There was a slight misunderstranding on where this horsy ride was taking place, so here are some pictures from us wasting time (hahaha, how many Kid Rock songs can I quote in one blog post?) before the kids started their ride. I love the pictures of Carson looking like he’s having a serious conversation with a horse. Or pony. Or mini-horse. Or something.

Carson, rb

All American Boy

July 5, 2011

Just some pictures of my little golfer from up north. My aunt & uncle had a pretty green lawn that Carson loved using as his personal golf course. I think have have to work on his form a little bit. Oh, and Rick is thrown in there for good measure – he enjoyed some long hilly bike rides while we were up there.