friends, Hens, stb

It’s OK – I’m a professional.

June 24, 2011

We had a long overdue Hens Night Out* last night for Stacie’s belated birthday. After chips and salsa and some margaritas downtown, we got the obligatory SUPER CUTE group shots (and mini-group shots). But I won’t share the picture of my thigh where Mello gave me a big fat bruise for some reason.

After dinner we walked over to Kilwins to get some ice cream. I told the Hens to to stop so I could take our picture – and then I turned on my camera’s self-timer and set it up on my purse (which doesn’t make a great tripod, by …

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Things I’ll miss

June 24, 2011

There are a lot of things I’ll miss (and already miss) as my kids get older.
Today I realized that I’ll miss how Carson holds the (pretend) phone up to his arm to show Grampa his tattoo, since it makes total sense that since you can hear Grampa through the phone, that he can see through the phone too.
(Mallory did this too – holding the phone up to the TV so my mom could “see” the hockey game we were watching).


Grandpa’s Grandparent Questionnaire

June 23, 2011

I had a SUPER great idea to have my parents & Rick’s parents complete this cool grandparent questionnaire. I thought it would be SO fun to have for Mallory & Carson when they were older. {I am happy to email this to anyone without answers if you want to borrow it! Just comment below or send me an email at stb (at) smellslikepopsicles (dot) com!}
I originally sent this out to all the grandparents in March 2009…the month I was due with Arlo (aka Carson, my now almost 27-month old son). My dad is the only one who has returned his …

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cousins, grandpa, Mallory

Brave Girl

June 21, 2011

Father’s Day / Sunday June 19, 2011 / Clear Lake Michigan
Guest Post by Grampa
This Father’s Day, I took my favorite daughter {Samantha}, my two favorite granddaughters {Lauren & Mallory} and two of my favorite grandsons {Liam & Carson} to my co-worker Judi’s house on Clear Lake. Two other little girls that were at Judi’s house (her granddaughter Brynn [7] and her friend Mia [5]) wanted to go tubing so I said I’d tow them around the lake a few times with my boat. My favorite granddaughters Mallory and Lauren wanted to ride in the boat also, and the adult spotter …

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Safety Girl in a Safety Town

June 20, 2011

BIG goings on for my going-to-kindergarten-this-fall little girl.
This week & next – she has SAFETY TOWN, where she learns about, well, safety.
I guess stuff like stranger danger, bus rules, why you need to wear a helmet while riding your bike, etc.
So tonight, after her inaugural “pre-jazz/hip-hop” class (heaven help me if the teacher actually showed her some of the “moves” Mallory showed me tonight), we had her first night of Safety Town.
Carson & I dropped her off. She was, of course, VERY shy and was trying to hide behind me. Carson, on the other hand (when the teacher asked Mallory …

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friends, Mallory


June 20, 2011

Thank goodness for Alli’s mom and her camera for providing us with this memory from THE PLAYDATE this weekend.
All of these girls have been talking for months about wanting to have a playdate and, as mentioned previously, Miss Christine took one for the team and offered to host this monumental THE PLAYDATE.
I made dirt cake for everyone (crushed up oreos with gummy worms and pudding) and stuck flowers in them. My darling daughter proceeded to have a fit when two of her friends picked the pink flower dirt dessert pots. Alli took one for the team and offered to trade …

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Carson, Mallory

A Poem.

June 19, 2011

carson, swinging his bat.
mallory, telling carson to be careful because he almost hit her.
carson, swinging again.
mom, hearing THWACK.
mallory, crying.
mom, comforting and getting ice.
mom, taking away a bat.
carson, crying.
carson, timeout-ing.
mallory, icing her head.
mom, asking “i thought carson hit your shin?”
mallory, responding “no, my head.”
mom, confirming “are you sure? i thought it was your leg?”
carson, yelling from his timeout spot “HEAD!”.

Carson, Mallory, rb, stb

A day of nothing

June 18, 2011

Today is a rare day. We have exactly one scheduled thing on the agenda (Mallory has a much hyped playdate with four friends from school…thank you Miss Christine for offering to host this epic PLAYDATE!).
But other than that – we got nothing. We have ribs ready to go for dinner, I’m hoping to get the firepit from my dad so we can do s’mores, and the kids are giving me the best gift of all – naps at the same time – WAHOO!!
But here is what we’ve done so far today. I don’t have a picture of me in here …

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Carson, friends, Mallory

Our First Graduation

June 17, 2011

Mallory’s pre-kindergarten graduation ceremony took place in June. I cried even though Mallory was still going to be going to that same school for the summer before starting *sniff* kindergarten.
It was very cute – both the teacher and the director of the daycare spoke, and then the kids did some of the songs they sing a lot. You could tell which kids didn’t sing the songs a lot at home because their parents were the ones who thought they were hysterical (as opposed to Christine & I who have been hearing our girls sing Tootie-Ta for at least nine months…).
Rick …

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Dress Rehearsing

June 15, 2011

Pictures from Mallory’s dress rehearsal for this year’s dance recital.
I was SO afraid when I saw her dress was yellow, but thank goodness for having a Michigan football obsessed kid because when she saw her dress was yellow, her response was “MOM LOOK! My dress is a Michigan color!!!”
More pictures and video to come later!
These pictures are largely unedited – please don’t judge me