I am not ready for this!
Gave my baby boy a kiss today after school, and that little booger-picker WIPED OFF MY KISS. I thought SURELY he was just wiping away a stray hair or something so I gave him another kiss. Again – he wiped his lips.
So I asked if he was wiping off my kisses and he laughed and said “YESSSSSSSSSSSSS”.
What is going on??! He isn’t old enough to do this yet. Boo-hoo.
Love this kid
me: “I love you Mallsy”
MCB: “I love you too, Mommy.”
me: “I love you more.”
MCB: “I love you up to the AIRPLANES.”
me: “I love you up to the SUN.”
MCB: “I love YOU up higher up past the sun up higher than what you love me.”
me: “Well, I love YOU up higher than what you love me.”
MCB: “I love you everywhere like the comet Earth.”
I’m not sure what the comet Earth is but I’m hoping it’s the hugest, tallest, biggest thing there ever is.
Perfect Sunday afternoon
I think Rick needed the nap more than Mallory did, but either way – I’m glad they got their snuggle on this afternoon.
This is why I blog
I jotted this down yesterday and already today I can’t remember the context.
But it’s still funny.
“Don’t worry Carson – I can handle it.”
To K or not to K.
I will preface this post with the statement that these are my opinions and how they relate to my daughter. I am fully aware that every kid is different and every parent has to make decisions based on their individual situations!
I don’t know that Rick & I have ever struggled with a decision as much as we have with trying to figure out whether to send Mallory to Kindergarten this fall or not. I think Rick has struggled with lots of decisions this much (for instance, deciding whether or not to throw away his 30-yr old rusty Bengals garbage …
And then he was two.
My boy still won’t acknowledge that he’s two years old, but there are lots of other things that we can talk about with Carson turning two.
Like how much he wants to talk. It’s so much fun and so very exasperating all at the same time.
But before I get into all that, here’s a little “what’s going on” with my baby boy.
When I pick him up at school in the afternoon, I get HUGE grins and hugs and chatter about his day. He always wants to carry his little report card paper out to the car (where it gets crumpled up …
My Birthday Boy
I’ve been in denial for a month or so that my sweet baby boy could be turning two. But it happened today. And I didn’t die. But I was sad.
The funny thing is that I think Carson knew I didn’t want him to turn two because the past couple of days if you ask him how old he’s going to be, he’d point one finger and say “uhn”. We’d tell him no – he was going to be two! and show him two fingers.
Then he’d say NO!!!! and tell us “uhn” with one finger. It was a pretty funny game. …
That Malsey
I just went to check on Mallory because she’s supposed to be "napping" – which means she is supposed to be in her bed, reading books and being quiet, with the hopes that she actually falls asleep.
So – she wasn’t in her bed – she was sitting on the floor of her room doing her "Bawbie" head’s hair.
I asked what happened with the nap and she said
"Well, I was about to take a nap but but then I got untired".
Tonight…we bowl.
Well, it wasn’t really TONIGHT. And it wasn’t last night, really. It was really the other morning. But I couldn’t resist a little Grease 2 reference…
We took the kids bowling the other day. And if you’ve never seen adorable little size 8 bowling shoes, you are missing out. O.M.G.
Rick & I had gone bowling two days before and my thumb got wrecked (like nerves are missing in it still today – it’s tingly and numb, oh but I DID bowl a 165), so just Rick & the kids bowled on Sunday. We had the gutter bumper things up and the …
I’d forgotten from when Mallory was around this age, but I am remembering quickly how much fun it is to see Carson try to say new words. He’s been babbling for a while, but now his babbling has transitioned into “words” that I think he thinks actually make sense.
So as he marches around the house, clad only in a diaper, his sister’s pink backpack, a monkey toy and a box of football guys in his hands, making some sort of noise, I imagine he is saying “Mom – look at me. Aren’t I hilarious?”