Carson, grandpa, Mallory, stb


November 10, 2010

Back when I posted the second picture on this post, I realized that I needed to get one of all four of us in our blue & white striped shirts/dresses/onsies.
It took me until November to get the picture taken (how dumb was it for me to wait until it was freezing out to take a picture of us in our short sleeves, etc), but I present to you three generations of blue & white stripes.


Tate is Late

November 10, 2010

This morning while getting M & C ready for school, I asked Rick if backup quarterback Tate Forcier’s attitude had improved (during/after the first game of the season, when he wasn’t named the starter, there were rumblings that he was going to transfer, etc).
Mallory (from her perch on the potty): “Why does Tate always go in late?”
Tate has made an appearance in every game this season.
Rick: “Because Denard gets hurt.”
MCB: “Every time?”
Rick: “Yep.”
MCB: “Oh. Or they could put Devin in!”
* * *
Mallory is obviously very enamored with our quarterbacks, and tells Rick that we have THREE quarterbacks (since he …

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Carson, video

Get You

November 9, 2010

This video is from November but it cracks me up.
I love his lobster claw pinching!
And I really love how he bends over laughing at himself.
And I really really love him.

Mallory, Pictures, rb, stb

© Mallory Photography

November 7, 2010

In an attempt to get a jump on our holiday cards, and to take advantage of some decent November weather, I dragged everyone up to the park for a family photo session.
I had the tripod and the self-timer, but no way to get the kids (especially Carson) to look at the camera, so I asked three 10-ish year old boys who were walking through the park if they’d mind jumping around behind my camera so M & C would look in the direction. They were AWESOME and so cute and helpful – I made Rick give me some cash to …

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A Birthday Weekend

November 7, 2010

I’ll save the sappy “my baby is FOUR” stuff for another post, and instead just overload you with cute pictures.
This is Mallory after school on Friday. Rick & his mom picked her up from school and Mallory was SO EXCITED that Grandma was picking her up (but not as excited as she would have been if she’d been picked up at nap time, since that is when Alli’s grandma & grandpa pick her up when they come to visit…)

Saturday was the actual BIG DAY and she woke up to a bunch of balloons outside her door. She came to find …

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A Mom interview with Mallory (age 4)

November 7, 2010

Here is the 2010 interview. Good stuff! To see all the birthday interviews, click on the “Birthday Interview” tag at the bottom of this post.
1. What is something mom always says to you?  Go clean up and Smile
2. What makes mom happy? Picking Carson up when a bear tries to get him
3. What makes mom sad? When I cry and when I stomp
4. How does your mom make you laugh?  When you tickle me.
5. What did your mom like to do when she was a child?  Play and you like to eat.
6. How old is your mom?  …

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Carson, rb


November 6, 2010

Rick’s alarm on his phone went off at 4.30a this morning. His phone fell behind the bed so it took him about 3 minutes, including asking me for my phone so he could use it as a flashlight, to hit the snooze button on his alarm.
His alarm went off at 4.37a too. Snooze.
4.44a? Snooze.
4.51a? Snooze.
Finally at 4.58a he got up and got ready a little bit (home game today with a noon kickoff = he has to be there at 6a).
After putting in his contacts and starting to get ready, he climbed back in bed.
With today being …

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Four years ago

November 5, 2010

Big weekend for my girl – I CAN.NOT.BELIEVE my baby is turning four. She’s been talking about it for a month (it didn’t help that we had her big friend birthday party three weeks ago) and when I tell her that I want her to stay three, she tells me that she has to turn four so she can be a “growed up”. I explained that being four doesn’t make her a grown up but she told me she had to be four and then she’d be the other numbers to be growed up. Then she counted to 19 and …

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Carson, friends, Mallory

Halloween 2010

October 31, 2010

With Mallory getting older – and “getting it” more – events like Halloween are more fun. The excitement about her costume and candy and trick or treating has been building for weeks (not to mention that Halloween was a milestone we had to reach before it could be her BIRTHDAY).
We talked my mom into coming out to hand out candy at our house so that Rick & I could both take the kids. Alli & her folks came along, and Lauren joined us too.
The weather was chilly – but sunny – but I don’t think the kids cared. Luckily Carson …

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