grandpa, Mallory

The wonderful thing about Grandpas…

August 1, 2010

I know I’m telling this whole “we rented the lake house…moved into my dad’s…bought a new house” story all in pieces, and you’ll get it all eventually, I promise. Anyway…
This picture sums up of one of my favorite interactions between my dad & Mallory during the time we lived at my dad’s house. Mallory had already gone to bed (not asleep yet though) and my dad noticed the fireflies were out like CRAZY. He asked if he could get Mallory up to come see them…how can I say no to that?
So my dad & Mals sat there on the edge …

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Photoshop Phix

August 1, 2010

I’ve posted this after picture before but thought I’d share the before.
I usually shoot most of my sessions in RAW but sometimes switch to JPG when I shoot my kids (just to save some processing time on my family snapshots).
Here is this picture, SOOC and converted to JPG:

And here it is fixed.

I know the sky is too light but I don’t care since now I can see her face. If this was for a client, I’d probably work more on not blowing out the sky before I took the picture, since that’s hard to undo, but since it’s just Mallory …

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Name Change?

July 26, 2010

If you ask Mallory what my real name is, she says “Aunt Sammie [last name]”.
She asked me the other day what her name would be when she is a grown up and was happy to hear that it would still be Mallory.
And then I told her that if Carson has kids, that then she would also be Aunt Mallory.
No response from the three-year old on that one.


The new house

July 26, 2010

So…we moved this week.
Closing was on Monday, just after our final walk-thru. At the final walk-thru we noticed stains on the carpet and writing on the walls that hadn’t been there any of the other times we looked at the house (some being in permanent marker). This, combined with the fact that the owners hadn’t taken care of the lawn all summer, irritated the *bleep* out of me.
We went to the closing and asked for money to cover replacing the carpet. The sellers countered, and our attorney advised us to take it. We did. But we didn’t end up signing …

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Ball boy

July 25, 2010

Carson has a new obsession with balls – he loves to carry them all around the house and throw them to whomever will oblige him a game of catch. Mostly “catch” means that he throws it wherever and then we roll it back towards him, but usually the ball bounces off his feet and then he runs off after it, laughing all the way. Oh well, he’s still young.
Tonight at bedtime, he was carrying this soft baseball so I let him take it into his crib. I went in to check on him later and it was next to his …

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Carson, Mallory

First pictures at the new house

July 25, 2010

I am not quite ready to show real pictures of my house but I’m happy to share pictures of the kids outside.
As posted in the video below, Carson is beyond excited about the sidewalks that our neighborhood has to offer. He’s getting faster running. Which isn’t a good thing. Mallory wanted her picture taken like the statue we saw in New York City…

This picture is because videos don’t show up when I have my blogs turned into books, so I wanted to have a picture of Carson feeding himself…with a spoon..sort of…

Mallory is also loving the new house; I …

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Carson, video

Carson, in HD

July 25, 2010

Two videos of Carson from this past weekend.
1) He’s starting to figure out how to feed himself with a spoon and fork, without making too huge of a mess.
2) Carson is digging the new ‘hood with sidewalks and stuff.


Moving Injuries

July 25, 2010

We are in the midst of my move, and I just incurred yet another injury. Earlier this week I’d pinched some fingers, and then Friday night I pinched my ring finger of my right hand so badly (in the hotel-like security lock [where the bar loops over the ball thing on the door]) that I split the you-know-what out of my finger. I’m still trying to decide if I need stitches. It’s black and blue and red all over. Gross.
Today my dad is over helping us (or rather we are assisting my dad) install a storm/screen door. So since our …

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What a little ham…

July 18, 2010

I had a photo session tonight in Ann Arbor and after my assistant & I went to get some ice cream I realized the sky was unbelievably blue and gorgeous and I thought I’d try to get some cute pictures of my assistant, I mean daughter.
I am DIGGING these pictures. I swear that the sky is a real sky. My dad doesn’t believe me; apparently he thinks there is some random fake sky backdrop somewhere downtown.
But seriously – how silly is my sweet girl? I LOVE her!

cousins, family, Mallory

Fourth of July – 2010

July 14, 2010

Just some pictures of Fourth of July with Mallory & Carson’s cousins (more later with the annual sparkler shots!).
We let the kids have a great big paint fest (only one dress was semi-ruined in this process), and then it was on to s’mores. I think Mallory eats around the marshmallow and just devours the chocolate & graham cracker.

It had been a long hot weekend with many hours spent at the pool. We had to do some fireworks early because Emily’s kids weren’t going to last until after dark. I just LOVE these pictures of the …

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