Better late than never, eh?
So – we went to Orlando in May 2010 so Rick could do a triathlon. Seems that most of our vacation are “working” vacations, we never go anywhere just for the heck of it. My dad & Shaners came with us, and Rick’s entire family met up with us down there. Here weego.
Friday – travel day to Flordida. Mallory was concerned that the captain of the airplane wouldn’t know where we were going and told me she’d tell him. She was obsessed with finding our gate (love that she knows her numbers so I could tell …
Two extremes
Here are two extremes of Mallory at Disney this week – one is “super-shy, wouldn’t look at the princesses” Mallory, and the other is “hands-up on the 60mph+ Test Track Ride at Epcot.
Lots more pictures and words to come but this is all I’ve got for now. We are packing up and heading north later today.
“Flordida” 2010, Part II
And…here’s the rest of our trip!
So, Monday the 17th we had scheduled breakfast with the princesses at Epcot. When we woke that morning, I told Mallory “Happy PRINCESS DAY!”. With three-year-old attitude and sass, she looked at me and said “princesses don’t say that.”.
Anyway…I’d brought Mallory’s Little Mermaid costume, thinking she would want to wear that to the breakfast, but my spinny-dress-loving girl kept with tradition and wore…a spinny dress.
I need to insert here that my dad was wearing a walking boot on his leg because of some pretty bad plantar fasciitis, so we’d rented him a little scooter to …
One for the road
I know I said I’d see you in June, but how could I resist sharing THIS picture?
(He’s in Mallory’s carseat on the plane – it was easier to hold Mallory on our laps and have him in lockdown in the carseat than vice-versa.)
Flordida Day 1
This is all I’ve got from day one.
Yesterday morning, Rick & I had to go to the sales presentation thing for the vacation rental home place we’re staying – we were good and refrained from buying in. It is so interesting though – the show they put on for as many “no thank-yous” that they probably get? I can’t wrap my head around it.
Rick had his race today and tomorrow we’re headed to Disney. I’m exhausted from living out of suitcases and chasing children around an unchildproofed condo and pool. I wish I had more energy to write …
I’m still standing…
Here’s a roundup of our life lately:
Our house is rented. They want to be in by the end of the month. This means we are in crazy mad packing mode, all while trying to get ready to leave town for Rick’s triathlon race.
We’ll live with my dad for the time being but I would hate to overstay our welcome there…even though my dad is pretty excited about having RB around to help with the yard and other projects :-)
We’re frantically trying to find a house that we like that meets all of our requirements. We recently saw two that …
The Comma is Coming!
Holy JUMPING – my post of Carson sleeping was my 973rd blog post!
That means that in 27 (or rather 26 after this post) more posts, my post count will have a comma in the number.
I get an award for that, right?
What is your guess for how long it will take me to get to 1,000 posts?
At rest
One of the few times a day that you’ll see Carson not in motion, moving from here to there.
I love pictures like this, of my sweet baby sound asleep, tushie in the air, little tiny feet crossed.
Love it. Love him.
Just my kids
Oh right, this is a blog about my kids. So here are some more pictures of my kids. I think I’ve given up on trying to get one of the two of them together.
April – in review
I promise I do spend time with my kids, I just don’t have a lot of time to write about it, apparently.
Let’s see.
So, Carson is taking advantage of his mobility and cuteness and now stands and begs while Rick cuts up fruit for breakfasts & lunches every morning. He semi-stomps his feet until he gets my attention so I can tell Rick to notice the little hungry person next to him (since you know Captain Oblivious won’t see him himself).
Carson also loves to do high-five and will *sometimes* show us how big he is. Dinnertime is hysterical …