Carson, Mallory

Soooo behind

April 4, 2010

You are getting a bulleted post today because I can’t formulate real writing right now. Must be my age.

Carson is almost totally weaned. I am amazed that I made it a year. He’s nursing once or twice a day now and this morning was the first time in a month or so that he came to our bed early in the morning to nurse. It was very sweet. And then this afternoon he was getting fussy and I turned around to see him crawling towards me, dragging my nursing cape behind him. Yeah, that was really great for the mom …

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Just a few pictures…

April 2, 2010

I still owe you all pictures from the big birthday party from last week but I will pacify you with some one-year-old sweetness for a few more days :-)

the eyelashes. honestly?

couldn’t you just eat him up???
trying to grab Cooper-Dupe’s tongue.


FINALLY…he eats cake

March 28, 2010

Carson & I have some pretty big birthdays coming up. Later this week I’ll celebrate the 19th anniversary of my 21st birthday, and Carson is, obviously, turning one.
You’ve all seen my failed attempts at the cake smash but once we had him strapped in his high chair with no options to crawl away, my sweet baby boy went to TOWN on his birthday cake.
More about the party later – I have to finish editing some pictures from last week, but I’ll tell you that Carson’s cute blue & white & yellow striped button-down is currently in the washer on “super-soak”.


A lost picture

March 25, 2010

I took this picture with my iPhone last summer and never shared it here. 


It’s almost here

March 24, 2010

You know something is really close when the date shows up on a milk carton.

Carson, Mallory

What they’re up to…

March 23, 2010

Mallory’s latest “things”:

Mallory. Mallory Mallory Mallory. She continues to be awesome and fun and smart and sassy and bratty and silly and loveable and oh so three.
She’s been able to count forever, but just this week she’s started to count on her fingers. Who’d have thought that flipping up one finger at a time could be so difficult. It’s so funny.
She’s been working on her letters – BIG TIME. She is constantly spelling her name, and Carson’s name and Mom and Dad. She’s started to identify letters on signs as we’re driving, and tonight she got grumpy because she could …

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Carson, Mallory, video

My Mobile Baby Boy!

March 23, 2010

The video speaks for itself…

Carson’s been taking some steps for the past few weeks but just this past weekend he’s really started walking for real. He seems to do it more when we aren’t egging him on – apparently my “Look at him go!!!” cheer scares him. Especially because now Mallory will get him up on his feet to make him walk, and then SHE yells “LOOK AT YOU GO!!!!”
I think crawling is still his preferred mode of transportation but we’re having fun watching him learn his new skill.


BFF, Take 2

March 22, 2010

Cool, huh? My son who can spot a piece of cake from a mile away (and will then refuse the rest of his dinner), refused to dig into his fancy homemade cupcake cake (please don’t judge me on my cake decorating skills, thanks).

What is WRONG with that boy?

Baby Arlo, Pregnancy, stb

Facebook Updates – almost one year ago

March 20, 2010

Yes, I saved all my Facebook* statuses from the end of March and the end of my pregnancy last year because they were too funny to not save. These updates were to save people from having to call or email me to see if I’d had the baby yet.
Enjoy. :-)
* * *
Samantha is a million weeks pregnant and the bleep-bleep middle of the mall kiosk people think I’m interested in maintaining my natural nails?? BACK OFF!!!! March 24 at 12:17pm
Samantha is not impressed with my trip to the mall. I spent too much money, …

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March 17, 2010

Watching the Olympics, a commercial with Apolo Anton Ono – skating on a track by himself – came on and Mallory asked “where are his friends?”.
Watching women’s ice skating, she asked “where are the daddies?”.
In Chicago on the metra – she said she didn’t like that train because she only likes pink trains.