Carson, stb

Sad and Happy

March 17, 2010

As we approach my baby boy’s first birthday (OHMYGOD he’ll be ONE in two weeks!), I am slowing weaning myself from the breastpump. I’m still nursing Carson every night and during the day on the weekends and hope to keep that up as long as possible, but I thought I’d do a little list about how I feel about this. Here goes:

I’m happy to regain all the lost time I spend pumping – even thought it is only one-two times a day right now.
I’m happy that I don’t have to worry about ruining my pants with spilled drops of milk …

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Carson, Mallory

We are READY for spring!

March 17, 2010

I’m pretty fired up about the weather breaking (even though it’s going to get yucky again next week). It was so fun to be outside with both kids yesterday!
 Checking his blindspot… 
Mallory giving him a fill-up

What a sweetpea


Blog Material

March 15, 2010

Rick hasn’t made much fun of my blog time lately, probably because I haven’t spent much time blogging lately.
But the other night he screwed up and defended himself by saying he figured I needed material for my blog. How generous of him, eh?
Friday night I asked Rick to grab a cake (so we could try to do Carson’s cake smash pictures) and some ice cream. When he asked what kind, I said “oh, I don’t know, something oreo-ish or cookie-dough-ish…thanks!”.
Rick came home with this:

How many of you remember that I can’t eat peanuts (or peanut butter) right …

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March 13, 2010

Yeah, today that doesn’t stand for “best friends forever”. And it doesn’t stand for “back button focusing” (a cool photography thing I just learned how to use). ETA: The shortcut for back button focusing is BBF, not BFF. Damn, my post isn’t as clever now.
Today it stands for Big Fat Fail. Because I tried to do some cake smash pictures for Carson’s upcoming birthday, but my sweet baby was so not interested in the cake.

OK, we’ll try again…

The cord from the lights was more interesting than the cake, apparently.
You KNOW Mallory was more than happy to pick up …

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friends, Mallory

The Michael Jordans of Ballet

March 13, 2010

Normally dance class is held back in a secret room, and the parents aren’t allowed to watch. Mostly I think because we are a HUGE distraction to the girls and they won’t focus on the teachers. But once in a while, they let us watch, and Thursday was one of those days.
How cute are these little girls, with their tongues sticking out in some serious concentration? You can see “Cafrine” (Catherine) and Alli in the first three pictures.
The girls are gearing up for their June recital. I can’t wait.


Mallory’s Faces

March 10, 2010

Um, yeah.
These don’t need any introduction. Just enjoy the goofball that is my daughter.
SUPER happy face
Sad face
Angry face



March 9, 2010

I feel like it’s been forever since I’ve been here, but I’ve been busy being a fancy wedding photographer and all so my little blog got neglected (post a comment if you want access to the wedding pictures!). But, just because I haven’t been oversharing here doesn’t mean I haven’t been recording funny stuff to share with you. So, here are the gems from the past couple of weeks.
* * *
All three of my sister’s kids were sick with strep throat a few weeks ago. Mallory kept telling me that Lauren has “stripe throat”.
* * *
STB: “you’re my favorite girl”
MCB: …

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Carson’s Tubes

March 9, 2010

Poor poor second kid.
I am writing this post a year after it happened because the second kid always gets the shaft. When Mallory got tubes in March 2008, I had like four posts about it. Carson? Not so much. He’s lucky I even have these pictures from my iPhone.
So – Carson had been getting lots of ear infections, blah, blah, so they said he could get tubes, yada yada.
Carson got tubes. I wore a wrinkled white shirt. He didn’t freak out when he came out of the anesthesia. He’s a rock star.

Better late than never (with this post), I guess.
This …

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Mallory, stb

More Beauty School Dropout

March 4, 2010

I got to watch about 2 hours of the Olympics a couple of weeks ago by letting Mallory play with my hair.
I’ll admit that I actually put this ponytail in (just because Mallory can’t do ponytails yet), but this ponytail was placed right where she instructed me to.
Luckily she was OK with me redoing my hair before we left the house later that day.
PS – I can’t believe I am posting this picture of me with no makeup on. Blech.