
It’s fixed! It’s fixed! My blogging problem is fixed!

March 4, 2010

HOORAY! Thank you, Bluehost, for finally realizing the issue was on your end, so I can go back to easily publishing pictures again (last night’s post was done without my blog-publishing software – which is a pain).
Of course now I am in full photographer mode, as I am shooting my first wedding on Saturday (OMG I’m going to throw up) and re-doing some shots for the local volleyball club next week, so all of my free time will be spent looking at pictures. And Carson is getting tubes on Tuesday. And someone is coming to look at our house today …

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My Silly Boy

March 3, 2010

Yes, I should be cleaning my house right now but I have to share these pictures of my silly sweet boy from tonight. Tank was having fun making a ginormous mess with his dinner.



February 27, 2010

For all of you who are jealous of Mallory’s curls…be happy you don’t have to tame this mess:

This is how she looks most mornings. It takes detangling spray, water spray, and curl-enhancing spray (and patience!) to fix it and make it pretty.


They aren’t blue…

February 27, 2010

Carson’s eyes have made their final resting spot but I can’t quite figure out what color they are. I know they aren’t blue like mine, but they aren’t really brown like Rick’s, and they aren’t light brown like Mallory’s, and they aren’t really green. They are a cool gold/green/brown mix. Am I allowed to say that my son has “pretty” eyes? Oh, and can you see the wispy curls over his ears? Maybe he’ll be blessed with some of his sister’s curls :-)

ps – I’m still salty that neither of my children got my eye color.


What are they doing?

February 27, 2010

I need to check myself before starting silly games with Mallory.
Earlier today, I asked her if the people on TV were skating or skiing. She told me “dey are skiing”. I asked “Oh, skating or skiing?” – and she responded “DEY ARE SKIING!” – and we did that over & over again. Because it was funny to hear her get frustrated with me.
So now speed skating is on, and I mentioned “oh, they are skating!”.
Mallory from the bathroom says “are dey SKIING or SKATING?”. I told her “SKATING!”
Little stinkerstein says back “oh, are dey SKIING or SKATING?”
Over and over again. …

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Mallory, Miscellaneous

Major problems

February 26, 2010

So I’m having major problems with my blog publishing software – and I’m mad because I have a bajillion words in my head and pictures on my computer to share with you but I’m obsessed with figure this out so my blogging will have to wait. At least until tomorrow.
But in case you didn’t know – Mallory only likes pink snow.



February 22, 2010

Oh man – I think we found another possible reason why Tank has been semi-grumpy lately…

True to form – he’s ahead of schedule…getting his 12-mo molars at 10 3/4 months.
He’s so advanced.
But I digress.
As you can see – he’s not real happy about these new teeth. Or it could have been because I was shoving my hands in his mouth in attempts to get a good picture. Either way, he was pissed. You can’t tell very well from this picture, but his little gums are a little tiny ridge, but *BOOM* where this big tooth is coming through, it’s super …

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Jewel Thief

February 21, 2010

Oh, she loves my rings.
She asked to wear them tonight and then she promptly passed out next to me on the couch. I love the contrast of my rings resting on her bear blankie.


Chocolate Chip Face

February 21, 2010

Mallory & I made some chocolate chip cookies tonight after dinner (for a special freat); I handed a little piece over to my baby and left him alone to go do some cleaning or organizing or whatever. I checked back in and this is what I found.

* * *
I keep forgetting to write about how this little stinker can climb the stairs. We have the gate set up at the bottom of the steps again but if we forget to close it, and Carson sees that it’s open, he STREAKS to the stairs. He will scramble up the …

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Happy Blogivesary to Me!

February 20, 2010

My little blog is four years old today. That means it has been four years and one day since found out we were pregnant with Mallory.
The blog has taken lots of turns over the past four years. Started out on blogger, moved to the free wordpress, then moved to my self-hosted wordpress location, then a couple of minor redirects while trying to stay semi-private, and now here we are, at our final resting spot of Smells Like Popsicles.
An aside: I think it’s such a funny name. Whenever I type it out or tell people about the blog “just check …

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