
Let’s hope so!

January 29, 2010

So, our house is on the market as a rental right now. We had someone come check it out today but as of yet they haven’t called to say they love it and want to rent it. But we are still out checking out other houses to try to have an idea of what we like in case we are able to move.
I drove past one of the houses this afternoon and told Mallory that we were going to check it out on Sunday, because it’s for sale.
Mallory’s response: “Yeah! We can go look at that house because …

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Carson, cousins, Mallory


January 28, 2010

Mallory’s cousin came to play this past weekend. 
The girls get a little out of control when they get together.

Lauren is the dress-up QUEEN and probably the biggest reason why Mallory loves her dresses so much (remember it was Lauren who taught Mallory how to hold up her dress when going peepee on the potty).

Well, when two girly-girls get together and have a trunk full of Disney Princess dress-up props, this is what happens. You can see Lauren’s Cinderella necklace, and Snow White bow and some other princess’ yellow sequined crown.

And then there was Carson.


Daycare Infection Roulette

January 25, 2010

Carson has ear infections in both ears – his second in less than a month. Me thinks we are on our way to tube-land for him soon. The pediatrician mentioned not waiting to get him tubes due to Mallory’s ear history. And Mallory might have some UTI or bladder infection thing going on. So both kids are on antibiotics…here’s hoping everyone starts to sleep better.
Found this website this week and can’t help but think yesterday’s “doodle” was especially appropriate for today.

Doodle by Lee. The code for this doodle and other doodles you can use on your blog can be found …

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Ages 5+

January 24, 2010

My smart three-yr-old and her 100-pc Fancy Nancy Glitter puzzle that said it was for ages 5+.

Rick helped her with the edges and I gave a few hints on the inside (just because I didn’t have all day), but other than that, she did it all by herself. I loved watching her troubleshoot the puzzle, especially when she’d plug the piece in place before I could even process in my head if it was the right piece for that spot.


Carson’s 9-mo stats

January 24, 2010

I think that with our trip I forgot to post Carson’s stats from his 9-mo appointment.
He’s 21.54lbs (66%), and 29.61” (88%).
Other things worth mentioning about my nine-month old baby boy:

He is still exclusively on breastmilk. My supply is more than keeping up with him (sorry if that is too much information, dad) and we have a freezer full of frozen milk that we’ll probably end up donating in April.
He loves to eat. He eats whatever we eat at dinner, and enjoys veggie burgers and grilled cheese and leftovers for lunch. His teachers report that sometimes they only …

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Mom of the Year

January 23, 2010

Which of these pictures makes me Mom of the Year? The first one where Carson is head-first into a storage bin looking for toys (and I grabbed the camera before going to save him, and I wouldn’t let Mallory help him out until I took the picture), or the second one where I took a picture of my son pooping?

Regarding Carson’s poop face – because of football season, Rick hadn’t been around much at dinner time (which is Carson’s normal pooping time), so the first time Rick was actually home for dinner and Carson started to turn red and make …

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Mallory, travel

Itsy Bitsy, Teeny Weeny (hand-me-down) Burberry Bikini

January 23, 2010

I think this bathing suit is hysterical. It was a hand-me-down (from Kaylie’s Kollection) and it’s Burberry. As in the place you buy really expensive scarves.
Really? A 3T Burberry bikini? But Mallory thought it was pretty cool to have “boob things” like her mom.
Ah, to be 3 again and not care how you looked in a bikini.

Do you think Mallory loved the pool in California? These shots are a selection of a bunch that I took as she ran back & forth across the pool, telling me to take her picture.

I am still slowly getting caught up. :-)


It’s gotta be the hair

January 23, 2010

Last night after the kids had a bath, I had some fun with Carson’s hair. He seems to have a little of Mallory’s curl. I don’t think Mallory’s hair was as long at 9-mos as his is, so it’s hard to really compare what will end up happening. But last night I let him rock a mohawk. This was all gel-less so with product I’m sure it would get even more rockin’.

Mallory, stb

A Mom Interview with Mallory

January 21, 2010

I found this questionnaire online last week and thought it would be fun to do with Mallory. I have a plan to do it every year on her birthday to see how the answers change. But here is our first one.
1. What is something mom always says to you? NO!
2. What makes mom happy? Me (Mallory)
3. What makes mom sad? Me
4. How does your mom make you laugh? you tickle me
5. What did your mom like to do when she was a child? crawl
6. How old is your mom? 26
7. How tall is your mom? up to the tall …

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