Found this tonight. Not sure how I missed sharing it before.
I is for…
Mallory loves loves loves her little brother – she is unbelievably attentive to him and loves to make him laugh. I can’t believe how lucky we are. Rick & I have some pretty cool kids.
Click here for more of my Alphabitty entries, and you can read about this project on Mama Bear’s site!
Highlights of Mallory’s 3-yr appointment
Mallory had her 3-yr well-child appointment yesterday, since she just turned three (OH MY GOD I HAVE A THREE YEAR OLD?). Here are the stats from her appointment.
She is 39lbs (95%) and 39” (77%). The nurse commented “she should be square!”.
She got to wear the little gown that opens in the back for her appointment. I told her she didn’t have to take off her undies or her socks but she insisted on taking off her socks. Whatever.
I can’t get over what a little person she looked like sitting up on the table in her little gown that …
Update 11/11/09
First of all – Happy Veterans Day!
Secondly – the bug has been making the rounds in our house. Mallory was ill last week, and then Rick came home from the game Saturday with the pukies and then I had a version of it yesterday.
I feel a million times better this morning so hopefully we are all on our way to being well.
More to come tonight.
My Princess Pumpkinhead turns three
I wish I had more energy and time to write a sappy post about my baby girl turning three.
I can’t believe it’s been three years since I became a mom.
It’s been harder and easier than I ever imagined – all at the same time.
I am lucky to call this little girl my daughter.
Who would have thunk that this dark-haired baby….
…would turn into the blond curly-haired sassy-pants that she has?
Ok, I’ll be honest. The sassiness isn’t really that much of a stretch…last week at daycare she didn’t want to wake up from her nap so one of her teachers told her …
Presents, part one
Mallory got an early present from our good friends last week – a Fancy Nancy game! It’s perfect because it doesn’t require any reading and she is great at knowing when it’s her turn, etc; I thought we’d have some problems with her not wanting to follow the rules of the game but we haven’t had any issues. We played it the other night for the first time and she just LOVES it.
And here is Carson completely unimpressed with Mallory’s new game:
Carson’s new thing is trying to pull up on EVERYTHING ALL THE TIME. If I’m on the floor, …
One Cute {sick} Birthday Girl
The birthday girl is ill. She threw up last night for the first time ever. I actually tried to catch it with my hands, instead of freaking out and running to the bathroom. Surprisingly, I didn’t throw up when she threw up.
She threw up a few mores times in the night, but seemed fine in the morning so we sent her to school (I had a big meeting at 9a that I didn’t want to miss). But when my meeting got out and I called daycare, they said she was pretty mopey so Rick rescued her. Then she threw up …
Halloween – 2009
Ok, it’s late and I should be asleep but I need to share these pictures from Halloween and tell you the story. If I don’t do it tonight, I’ll not get it up until after the weekend, and then these pictures will get buried in the avalanche of Mallory’s birthday pictures :-)
First off – Mallory & her two friends wore their fairy costumes to dance class on Thursday.
I failed to try Mallory’s costume on her until we actually got to dance class – and you can’t see it here when she’s sitting down. So I took this picture later …
Not yet…
Still no pictures from Trick or Treating yet. Should have them tomorrow. I should write up the play-by-play from trick-or-treating just so I don’t forget a single thing. Be sure to check back for that post because it’s hysterical.
In the meantime, I’ll share these pictures from yesterday.
I think the picture of Mallory is a little out of focus but I love the picture too much to not share. :-)