I will have trick-or-treat stories & pictures at a later time (I didn’t have my camera battery so I have no pictures, I need to wait for Alli’s mom to send me hers) but I just HAD to share this collage of pictures of my sweet little monkey!
Open Door
I think it was during our trip to Florida in January that Rick taught Mallory to say “OPEN DOOR” when she came up to the doors of a hotel or store. I don’t know why it’s taken me 10-ish months to write about it but I suppose that’s because I didn’t know it would stick like it did.
This child of mine will run ahead of me at the “drocery” store or at “Tah-get” just to get to the doors before me so she can stand there and say “OPEN DOOR”.
I don’t know if she really thinks she is …
H is for…
I don’t think I shared this picture of Mallory riding a horse from our trip to the pumpkin farm but here she is! She loved it and I actually expected that we were going to have to stop by there every day after work to let her ride (so far I’ve avoided that stop). But she talks about it all the time!
Click here for more of my Alphabitty entries, and you can read about this project on Mama Bear’s site!
It’s beginning to look like…Halloween!
Rick & I have never carved pumpkins together – even though I think most couples could say that at some point in their courtship they did that sappy romantic activity. But not us.
It took two kids for us to want to make the mess.
Here is our story.
Mallory helped us get the “gunk” out of the pumpkins. She was all about helping except she wouldn’t actually reach in and pull the guts out. These pictures don’t tell the whole story – the pumpkins were basically empty by the time she really got dirty. Carson did enjoy banging on the pumpkins too …
The Tickle Freckle
Mallory has a lone freckle.
And it happens to be on her tummy.
In a VERY ticklish spot.
So we have named it her Tickle Freckle.
G is for…
Shocking – I’m late again (and let’s not even TALK about my Sam I am series…).
Anywho – here is my G entry for my Alphabitty series.
This past summer, Mallory was obsessed with helping us water the flowers (and helping our neighbor water his flowers). She said she needed water to go “garding” (gardening).
Please notice the fancy red sequin flopflops she is wearing.
Like sister, like brother
The question on everyone’s mind is “Will Carson have crazy curly hair like Mallory?”
Well, if this picture is an early indication – it’s got potential.
Check out the tuft of hair on top of his head and the fuzzies on the right.
Oy boy.
A Pooped Coop
Cooper got a rare treat today – a long long LONG walk in the woods near our house. We haven’t done this in a while, mostly because I am not a fan of loading him in my car since it means I have to put him in the front seat and I usually like to keep my car spotless so I don’t like his hair & dirt all over the place.
Back before kids, Cooper & I would walk in the woods almost daily – and we met Cathy who has two dogs. I’ve been lucky to meet up with …
Mallison Turns 3
Mea Culpa – I had the settings all farked up on my camera and was too busy to notice it until the party was over. So these are not the best pictures but it’s all I’ve got.
We had Mallory’s birthday party with Allison today at the indoor playplace in Chelsea. A group of the girls’ friends from school came, along with some other family friends and the kids played and had cupcakes.
Mr John’s Yard
Our neighbor has some pretty yellow leaves in his yard – Mals & I headed over there the other day to take some pictures. And I got the “mote” control out so I could take pictures of me with Mallory.
Showing me how old she is going to be in TWO weeks!
Me & my girl
Probably more I could post but it’s late and I’m tired.