I am not sure if I am cheating a little bit by using this for B instead of S – but I love that Mallory says “bresses” instead of “dresses”.
Don’t forget to check out my extra B entry from last week.
And click here for more Alphabittys at Mama Bear’s site!
Z is for…
For those who don’t know why this is totally adorable – Zoltan Mesko is the punter for Michigan and when he punts, everyone makes a Z with their hands.
I’ve been dying to get a picture of Carson’s sweet cheeks (not the ones on his face…the other ones). I just love his little dimply tushy, especially when he sleeps with it sticking up in the air. I almost brought him upstairs with me last night even after he’d been asleep for an hour, just because I wanted to snuggle with him.
I’ve decided that 5-ish months is a pretty good age. Carson is sleeping well (knock on wood) and is so smiley and happy.
Thience Camp
Here are some long-awaited pictures from “Thience” Camp.
I took the Mallory & Alli on “Frog Day” – so they got to look at some tadpoles & almost frogs in some shallow pans. The teacher also had some red jello which was supposed to feel like frog eggs (blech!). Then we walked down to the ponds to try to find some more frogs. I should clarify that I am part of the collective “we” in regard to walking down to the ponds, but I am not in the collective “we” when it came to looking for frogs. I’ve never considered myself …
A reading of “Brown Bear Brown Bear”, by Mallory
Here is Mallory reading one of her favorite books:
Some of her other favorite books are:
All of the Fancy Nancy books
Ella Sarah (she can read {recite} most of this one too)
She is really getting into the interactive books where you have to find stuff behind flaps and doors. Not like how she used to like them (just trying to find stuff), but now she reads them to her dolls and her brother.
Busted again
We had a more normal bedtime routine tonight for Mallory. “Normal” consists of her coming out to talk to me/us a couple of times before she finally settles in and falls asleep. I thought she’d reached her normal number of “but I just need {whatever}” trips from her bedroom, so I grabbed my usual evening snack of a couple {okay, four} Chips Ahoy Reduced Fat cookies and a big glass of milk.
As I finished my second cookie, I heard the tiny pitter patter of Mallory feet across the kitchen floor and hurried to swallow the cookie, take a big swig …
My Grandpa is an Engineer, #2
I had to take our fan apart to vacuum all the dust off of it and you know Mallory just had to help me put it back together again. I left her to work on it and went to fold some laundry, expecting her to do a couple of screws and then get bored. But I came back and she had the one side all put back together again, and she said “But I have one-two-three-four-five-SIX (screws) left?” (each side of the fan has six screws).
So I flipped it over and let her finish. She got all …
Playdate with Alli
We got to have Alli come play a few weeks ago while her mom ran a race. The girls had fun for most of the day but it really is funny how they get on each other’s nerves.
They play so well together some the time…(sorry about the crying baby in the background)
and then they don’t get along…
I spent most of the day saying “well, then don’t stand next to her” or “then go find another toy” or “MALLORY – YOU HAVE TO SHARE”.
Good Girl
A lot of people have told me that the Terrible Twos are nothing compared to the Terrible Threes, and that for as naughty and ornery and grumpy as Mallory has been the past year, that it’s only going to get worse (and I know that in the grand scheme of the world, she is a pretty good kid, but it’s all relative..when she’s good, she’s great but when she does get ornery – LOOK OUT).
So I’ve been dreading her upcoming third (OMG – she’s going to be THREE!) birthday, and was very scared about what is to come. But …
Feed the starving children
Most of my lovely readers probably don’t want to watch this video – it’s 2+ minutes of Carson slurping rice cereal. But it’s pretty funny to see him get grumpy when I am slow getting him food. Plus you can see him help rake in the spoon.