We had Alli & her folks out to play on Saturday night – mostly it was to let the girls go crazy and let off some steam. I am happy to report that with our new paver patio (pictures are coming, I promise!), the bugs don’t seem to be as bad, at least on the patio part. We still have the candles and the zapper going, and even with bugspray on, Mallory still gets a couple of bites every time we go outside. I don’t want to scare her with my “you’re going to get bug bites!” warnings to the …
Quintessential Mallory
There was a little girl, Who had a little curl, Right in the middle of her forehead.
When she was good, She was very good indeed, But when she was bad she was horrid.
–Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Oh Mallory.
She is sooooo good most of the time. For the most part she knows what is off limits and is still pretty good almost all of the time but we have our moments when neither of us are at our best and then look out.
Like tonight …
Happy Fathers Day, Grandpa!
I think my dad is a pretty lucky grandpa to have such a good-looking bunch of grandkids, don’t you?
Happy Mini-Friday
The weeks are flying by. How is it already June 18?
I started a new job at work. Rather, I still have my old job responsibilities but I was given a whole another person’s job responsibilities. Time will tell if this results in a nice raise for me. Don’t hold your breath. I’m not. I am in charge of all the ordering of materials for all of the projects at the hospital, as well as receiving the material and processing invoices. So the new job has me interacting with the tradespeople all day every day and that, combined with my three …
(Sun)Bathing Beauty
I’m cracking up at Mallory sunbathing at school on Tuesday.
I love that her teachers send me these pictures!
I also love that another teacher sent me this note:
Mallory woke up today and said “Ms. Heather, I want a hug and I have a purple bathing suit that I’m going to show Alli.”
I love her.
I don’t make it up
Kim – I hope you are wearing Depends…
ETA: I asked Mallory to go grab the boppy from my room – I was going to put Carson on it to work on tummy time. But by the time she returned with the boppy, Carson was snuggled into the bouncy seat. Mallory asked if I needed the boppy to feed Carson, and after I said no, she said she was going to feed her baby. And the above is what transpired next.
Smells Like Popsicles
As Mallory gets older, Rick & I have realized that we can’t have little snacks like we used to. You know, the handful of cheese-its or M&Ms or graham crackers we like to steal from the pantry. Because there is a toddler preschooler in our house who loves all things snacks. If you try to sneak something and she can tell you have your mouth full, she orders you to open your mouth with a bossy “Let me see in your mouth” which is usually followed by “can you share with me?”.
So Rick & I try and try to hide …
Pajama Time
This is what happens when Mallory picks out her pajamas.
I have nothing against the tutu, but that top totally doesn’t go with those pajama bottoms.
It finally happened…
…Mallory breastfed her baby.
Everyone had warned me that one day Mallory would imitate me feeding Carson…and the day was today. She pulled up her shirt and put her doll to her chest for about 5 seconds, and then switched sides and then pulled her shirt down. I.WAS.DYING.
* * *
One of the football wives teaches music; we ran into her at the women’s academy on Saturday and I was telling her about how Mallory loves to sing. She asked me if we had any instruments or anything and I told her no.
Well Rick came home with a gift …
Out of Focus
I got a new toy today…a new lens for my camera! It is a Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 II – and I first heard about it here (she takes some of the most awesome-ist photos of her kids…)
So, what can I do with this fancy lens? I should share that the only thing I remember from my photography class from last year is to keep the Aperture dialed way down. Or up. I can never remember. I think I want it dialed up which means I have a low number. Confusing, huh? Me too.
Anywho – here is my …