Mallory wanted me to move Cooper’s dog bone for her.
She asked “Hey MOM! Can you do me a favorite?”
Two whole months
My new favorite photo of my baby boy Carson.
Carson. My sweet child who can be put down in his crib awake and will fall asleep without crying and waking up his big sister. My sweet little boy who wakes up only once in the night to eat and even then it’s really only like a tiny little appetizer and then he goes right back to sleep. We’ve been putting him back to sleep in the pack-n-play in our room but I think we could actually put him back in his crib. But the only reason I wouldn’t do this …
“The doctor will fix my hand”
We went to the doctor to have Mallory’s hand looked at today; turns out she has Cellulitis. So she is on antibiotics for the next week or so. We have to keep an eye out for a fever or streaking red marks up her arms – if either of those happen, we are to call the doctor right away. When I picked Mallory up at daycare today, I told her we were going to have the doctor look at her hand. She proceeded to tell everyone that we were going to the doctor and that the doctor was going to …
Minnie Mouse Hand
Poor Mallory has always had horrible reactions to bug bites and her first mosquito bite of the season didn’t disappoint. She was actually bitten down by her thumb but her entire hand is swollen up. It is puffy like a big Minnie Mouse hand. We put Caladryl on it this morning but daycare still called to report that it felt warm and was itchy. I gave her some Benadryl tonight and it seemed to reduce some of the swelling and she wasn’t itching it as much. I get some nice welts from mosquito bites so she definitely gets this allergy …
I have to admit that although I’ve lived in Michigan for all but 1.5 years of my life, it never ceases to amaze me how we can go from freezing and snow just three months ago, with naked trees and a frozen lake and then boom – here is summer and it’s beautiful and sunny and green. It happens every single year: when the leaves start coming out on the trees I get all excited.
But I do need to say that I love all of the seasons.
Take me out to the ball game
My other Mother’s Day present
I keep forgetting to show my last Mother’s Day gift that Rick got me. Isn’t it adorable? Don’t give him too much credit, I sent him the link…but he did get my hint and got it for me for Mother’s Day. He got it from this place.
The reason I didn’t take a picture of it on my hand is that in order to get the detail of the rings, I had to shoot it in macro, which then magnified every single wrinkle on my fingers. And while the ring is really attractive close-up, my fingers are not very attractive …
Carson – 8 weeks
My sweet baby boy is eight weeks old already. I can’t believe how big he is getting and how much less fragile he seems. We’ve settled into an eating routine (every three hours) and he’s staying awake more and is spending more of his awake time just chilling and not crying. He weighs ~13.5 lbs according to my measurements. We have his two-month appointment next Friday so we’ll have official stats then.
Carson started daycare on Tuesday and is doing fine with it. He pees on the daycare ladies too so it’s good to know it’s not just us that …
I am surviving!
I am surviving my week of single-parent-ness. Barely, but I am surviving.
Our schedule for the beginning of the week was bath for Mallory as soon as we get home, then dinner, and then book & bed time and I was able to have her in bed by 6.45p with lights out for me by 9p. Thus I was able to function fairly well Wednesday & Thursday. Carson woke up only once per night those nights and went back to bed easily (I should raise his allowance!).
Thursday night we went to my dad’s to watch the Michigan softball game that started …
The Fancy Fisherman
My sweet darling little girl in a pretty pink dress wanted to go fishing with her dad.
We told her she needed to put on shoes to go fishing. Here is what she picked out:
The funny thing is that when I sent her to her room to get shoes, I KNEW she was going to grab these shoes…I had just put them in her shoe bin after keeping them high on a shelf for a special occasion. But let’s be real here – where in the world can a little pumpkin wear fancy white shoes if not …