Mallory says “OH MAN GOALIE!!!” whenever a goalie makes a good save.
I can’t stand it.
Argh – I am so bummed that I haven’t had time to post lately because I’m sure I’m missing out on recording some funny moments. But here are some I do remember:
*Last Friday I had time to hang out with Mallory at school when I picked her up; Carson was asleep so I got to sit in on song time and snack time and playground time. I think/hope Mallory got a kick out of showing me what she does at school. She seemed pretty fired up that she had her mommy’s lap to sit on during song time and kept …
Carson’s new boat coat
We were in need of a new boat coat for baby Carson. We had Mallory’s old one but (a) it is pink; and (b) it seemed too big for Mallory at 7mos so we thought it for sure would be too big for Carson at 3 weeks.
So I checked out the marina near our house and picked up a cool new life jacket.
I sent this picture to my dad and my mom and Rick.
My dad wrote back that the caption for this picture should be “Are you $hitting me?”
She is too much
Wearing Rick’s sunglasses
She came home from school on Monday with this ringlet hanging in the middle of her forehead. Not sure if one of the teacher’s made it that way or if it just ended up that way but I couldn’t resist snapping a picture!
Weekly Update – April 21
So now I’ve gone a whole week without a real post and I don’t get any grief from anyone? Hmmm…should I push it another week?
Ok, I won’t. Here is what we’ve been up to:
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My college roommate came with her two kids to visit me and my kids last Thursday. We usually try to get together at least every six months or so for dinner or whatever but obviously things have gotten hectic for both of us. I think it has been two years since I last saw her! Mallory was shy to begin with and wasn’t so …
Mallory & Carson – April 16
I tried to get some pictures of Mallory & Carson together the other day. Wasn’t the best photo shoot but I did get some cute shots.
What’s in a name?
People have been asking us what our girl name was if Carson hadn’t been a boy. So I’m here to share.
Our #1 girl name was Emma. Other girl options were Delaney (like Jimmy Buffett’s daughter’s name) or Ainsley (Rick didn’t like at all but I loved it!).
Our close runner-up for a boy was Olsen. I liked that it was unusual without being wacky. Rick also liked Miles and Ike. And Arlo (he never gave up on that one, even right up to the end).
Power has shifted
Something terrible happened in our house this weekend. All power that Rick & I had over Mallory & her temper tantrums is GONE.
Up until Sunday, we were able to use a baby gate (or the threat of a baby gate) to keep Mallory in her room during a temper tantrum. I know some people just turn the door handles around on the kid’s door and lock the kid in the room but I personally liked being able to still see & hear her during the tantrums, to make sure she wasn’t hurting herself or destroying her room (correction, I …
Wordless Tuesday
I know, I know. It’s supposed to be Wordless WEDNESDAY but I have plans tomorrow (yes, real plans! My dear college roommate is coming to meet baby Carson!) so I figured I would share these pictures today. There is no theme to these other than I wanted to share with you, my adoring readers.
Mallory getting herself dressed. She pulled those pants up over her tummy like that all by herself. Can you say NERD???
Carson’s first bath – we snapped this picture before he started screaming. Looks like he’s actually enjoying his bath, eh? …
Blue v Red v Black
The Red Wings played the Blackhawks this afternoon. I asked Mallory who she was rooting for – the Red Wings or the Blackhawks.
She told me she liked the “Blackclocks”.
And that Carson & Daddy liked the “Wed Wings”.
And then I asked her which team I liked.
Smart girl said “You like the Balooo-jackets”.
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Pretty fired up that the Blue Jackets are facing the Wings in the first round of the playoffs, only because I’ll be able to watch every game. Not fired up that they have to actually play against the Wings; that’s a tough first …