No update. Still pregnant. Nothing to report but didn’t want everyone to think I’d actually gone into labor.
It’s right here!
Just tucked Mallory into bed (yes, it was 6.30p, but she failed to have that nap today, remember?).
Anyway, just tucked her in and I asked “Hey! Where’s my goodnight kiss & hug?”
Princess Smart Aleck unplugged her pacifier and said “It’s RIGHT HERE!” and puckered up.
She sure knows how to make me forget about our afternoon (at least the part of our afternoon where she screamed for 25 minutes because of who-knows-what – probably a combo of no nap and refusing lunch).
Hey Guys!
Mallory has been saying “guys” for a while but it is really starting to increase. She’ll say “hey you guys” in reference to Rick & me, and she’ll grab two of her baby dolls and say “these guys are poopy, they need diapers” and then she’ll say “these guys need powder on their tushies” and she’ll say “you guys wanna go outside wiv me?” (while talking to her babies). And a million other times she says “guys” during the day and it just sounds so freaking funny!
Today when we walked in the door, she headed straight upstairs to (supposedly) take …
39w6d Arlo Update
Reader’s Digest version is that I’m still pregnant. Stop here if you don’t want details.
My fluid level was AWESOME this morning – like triple what it was on Monday. So either I somehow drank a million gallons of water in the last three days (unlikely) or they measured way wrong on Monday (likely). But what that means is that I didn’t get induced today.
The baby looked great on the monitors today – lots of good accelerations and apparently the monitor showed I was having some contractions but I wasn’t feeling them. Dr B did do an internal exam …
39w5d Arlo Update. A/K/A “Still Pregnant”
Yup, still pregnant! Good stuff, eh? The good news is that I am pretty much caught up on my scrapping, or as caught up as I can be right now. I am way behind on my journaling but that is easier to do than cutting pictures and titles and being creative (since I can usually just copy & paste from the blog for the stories that go with my pictures in the scrapbooks).
I can’t believe that tomorrow is the day we find out more about how Arlo is doing. When I left the doctor on Monday, Thursday seemed FOREVER …
39w4d Baby Arlo Update
STATUS: Still pregnant.
* * *
Cooper and his impeccable timing decided to start limping yesterday so I called the vet to try to get him an appointment for today and they were totally booked. But they said I could drop him off with them for the day and they’d get to him when they could. Not really ideal seeing as how he’s already so anxious about the bags being packed by the door and the baby stuff that is invading but we didn’t have a choice. I was afraid that we wouldn’t get it taken care of and then he’d end …
39w3d Update
Still pregnant.
But there is an end in sight. For reals this time.
I had my weekly NST this morning and saw Dr B after. Baby looked fine on the monitors but my amniotic fluid levels dropped dramatically from last week. It is still in the normal range so Dr B thinks maybe I did more activity this weekend (um, not really) or didn’t drink much water as I should so she wants to check it again on Thursday. I am to head to Triage if at any time I feel the baby isn’t moving as much as “normal”. She …
Mom & Mallory Photo Shoot
Rick took some pictures of Mallory & me this weekend…here are my favorites of the 105 we took! I think I’m going to get the bottom two blown up for my bedroom. And I love the top right one too. And the top left one where she is trying to button my shirt up.
More funnies
Mallory went poop in her diaper. I told her to tell Rick about her poopy diaper. She took a few steps towards the kitchen (where Rick was) and turned around and said “I went poopy, Daddy. See?”
* * *
Cooper was hanging out near us and Mallory said “ARGH!”.
I asked what she was yelling about and she said “Argh. Cooper is bugging me”.
No idea where she’s learned that.
Park it, Mommy
Need to get these down before I forget them.
Someone (probably me?) has said “Park it, sister” at least once to Mallory when we want her to get on the floor so we can change her diaper. Now, when she grabs a diaper from the drawer, she’ll tell me “Park it, mommy”.
Someone (again, probably me?) has said “Oh man!” at least once to Mallory whenever she takes a big bite of food. Now, when she takes a big bite she says “Say ‘Oh man’ at me, mommy!”.
This leads me to my next story…she confuses her prepositions all the …