Well, here is the Triage story from Thursday night.
I’d noticed that my stomach was super tight most of the day on Thursday. It felt like I had been sucking in my stomach all day and it was just tired. And when I was up and walking around, it felt like I had 100 lbs of weight hanging from the front of my belly. So at 10.30p at night, I decided to call Triage and see what they had to say.
They guessed all was well but I think the combination of being 39w and me being almost 39 years …
Ditto Wednesday's Post
See Wednesday’s post for my status.
I did have a trip to Triage last night but will post about that later.
Still here…
I don’t have anything to report but figured that all of my fans would think I was in labor if I didn’t post something…so here is the official “I’m still pregnant” post.
Thinking Out Loud
Not sure if “thinking out loud” is the right terminology since blogging isn’t really “out loud” but whatever.
I’m sitting here scrapbooking but I’m finding it hard to concentrate with the acrobatics going on in my stomach. It is amazing that there is a little baby in there. A little baby that we will meet sometime in the next couple of weeks.
I know I keep saying that I’m fine with this weekend or even next week, as long as I’m not late, and I’m telling the truth. But the crazy thing is that for as much as I say …
Spring is Springing in Michigan
Spotted outside my house today:
38w3d Appointment
Had my 38w appointment this morning. Ended up just being the non-stress-test seeing as how my doctor is in Scotland. Luckily I am OK with the other docs in her group so it’s OK if I go into labor before she gets back this weekend. But I did find the most adorable onesie that I will get if this baby is a girl and is born after March 20 so after this Friday works for me.
Anyway, back to the appointment. All was well with baby Arlo. My sister was able to come up during my appointment to say hi …
Well, hellooooooooooo
I think I told you about how Mallory has been imitating my doctor’s greeting from last week. I got her on video this morning (yes, she is sitting on the toilet).
A bad day v a good day
We had two days on the complete opposite ends of the spectrum this weekend. Let’s start with the bad day.
Saturday – Rick had to work so it was just Mallory & me all day. We had a decent morning even though I was tired. But then she refused to nap and that set the tone for the rest of the day – she was whiney and angry about everything. We had plans to go to the Michigan hockey game Saturday night but when she didn’t go down for a nap until 4p, and woke up 30 minutes later in …
Fun with Photoshop – what do you think?
Ok, so at the expense of my daughter running around in a diaper all day with no constructive play (and me trying to get her to nap for two hours), I had some fun playing with pictures today. I thought her hair was extra cute & curly today so we had a mini-photo shoot in the living room.
Here are the before and afters:
Cropped & Auto adjust levels
Action “Lovely & Ethereal”
Action “Soft & Faded”
Action “Black & White”
Mallory’s New Song
Ok, so Mallory gets a big kick out of sleeping in my spot (this started when I let her fall asleep in our bed when Rick was out of town a few weeks ago). Anyway, she made up a little ditty about this – however in this version she has substituted “mommy’s spot” with “my spot”.